Page 67 of March

Bryce recognized the soft, serious tone.

“No,” she said. “And we don’t share beds, either. When we were all here last time, we got one room with two beds to save money, but I slept next to Megs. Sean shared a bed with Kelsey. It worked out because Megan loves Kels, and Sean… well…”

“Loves you?” Sophie said.

Bryce shifted until she had Sophie on her back, and she was hovering over her. They’d done this last night during the movie they hadn’t paid attention to. Their lips were still a little swollen, and she wondered if the interviewer would be able to tell that they’d been making out all night when they talked to her later.

“Shethinksshe does,” she replied. “And I didn’t tell you that to make you think that anything was ever going to happen again between Sean and me. You asked why I was only texting Megan and Kelsey.”

“But she told you she still has feelings for you,” Sophie said as she wrapped her arms around Bryce’s neck.

“Soph, I don’t know what she’s feeling, honestly. I don’t think it’s love. I think she kept stuff inside for years and just finally told me before I came here.”

“The timing is suspicious.”

“It’s hard for her, hearing me talk about you,” Bryce said as she placed her hand on Sophie’s side, lifting Sophie’s borrowed T-shirt up a little to touch her skin. “She more or less dealt with it for a year, but I think the idea that I could find you and it could be something was too much for her to handle. I had no idea she’d been planning on proposing back when we were together. For me, it was obvious that we were meant to be friends.”

“But she doesn’t want that, does she?”

“I don’t know,” she replied. “I’m giving her space right now, but Sean’s feelings about me, whatever they may be, don’t change anything, Soph. I don’t have those feelings for her. I’m not sure I ever did. That makes me sound awful, but I came out to myself right before meeting Sean, and she was just…”

“Hot? Sexy?”

“No, she was just so, so gay.” Bryce laughed.

Sophie laughed, too.

“She’s a beautiful woman, yes, but she’s also a woman who loves women, and she makes no apologies for it. I needed that back then. She liked me, too, and at first, we were good. I was… very excited to finally… have…”

“Sex?” Sophie guessed.

“With a woman, yes. It was way better than anything I’d ever done with a guy, and I understood why then. Things slowedafter that, and we were friends more than lovers, and now I know that’s what she wants, but it’s not whatIwant.”

“Whatdoyou want?” Sophie asked the loaded question.

“To kiss you good morning,” she said. “For real. Slowly and deeply until it’s time for us to get up and get dressed for this video interview.”

“I forgot all about that,” Sophie replied.

“Because I’m such a good kisser?”

“Yes,” Sophie said with a smile. “You are a very good kisser.”

“I don’t think it’s just me. I think it’s how we kisseach other,” Bryce noted before she lowered her head and gently pressed her lips to Sophie’s.

Their kisses, no matter how fast or slow, always made her legs shake a bit. Being on top of Sophie like this didn’t help that, and if they were going to be doing more of this, and she hoped that they would, she’d have to get a grip on what Sophie’s lips did to her. For now, she just lowered her body, resting most of her weight on Sophie, who moaned in response. Sophie’s legs spread for her, too, allowing Bryce the chance to settle her hips between them, and while she didn’t rock or make a move for more, her body thrummed with the anticipation of what they’d do when they were both finally naked and pressed together like this.

“I don’t want Sean. I only want you,” she said before her lips met Sophie’s collarbone.

Sophie didn’t say anything. She just brought Bryce’s lips back to her own, and they remained like that until Sophie’s phone rang from its position on the desk.

“Well, I know it’s not me,” Bryce joked.

“Sorry. Let me just see who it is.”

Sophie slid out of bed, leaving Bryce to watch her walk over to the desk in her borrowed sweats, and Bryce couldn’t help but think about how cute her ass would’ve been in the shorts she’d jokingly pulled out for her last night.

“It’s my boss again,” Sophie said when she picked up the phone.