“I didn’t eat gator the last time I was here.”
“What? You have a food blog, and you didn’t try gator here?” Sophie teased.
“I tried other stuff, but not that,” she said.
“I know. I’ve read all your blogs now.”
“All of them?” Bryce asked.
“Every single one. Though, I must admit that I read the ones you wrote about us a few more times.”
“I posted one last night. Did you read that one, too?”
“This morning before I left for work. You’re sweet, you know?” Sophie said with that smile Bryce loved.
“It’s the truth.”
Their waters arrived shortly after, and the waitress set down their wine and glasses as well. It wasn’t full-on table service because this wasn’t that kind of a restaurant, but she still offered Bryce the glass to sniff and taste. Bryce nodded, and they ordered the gator bites for their appetizer before they were left alone. As she held up her glass, Bryce had to laugh because Sophie was eyeing that bread like she wanted to devour it, and it was adorable.
“To us,” she said.
“To us,” Sophie replied, clinking their glasses together. “So, I assume your friends expect an hour-by-hour update?”
“Oh, shit,” Bryce muttered after taking a quick sip and setting her glass down.
“What’s wrong?”
“I told Megan and Kelsey that you stood me up. I need to text them real quick.”
“You told them I stood you up? Bryce, they’re going to hate me.”
“I’ll explain later. They’ll be fine.” She quickly pulled out her phone and sent them a text. “Besides,Ilike you. That’s all that matters.”
“No, it’s not.” Sophie laughed. “I want your friends to like me, too.”
“They do. Or, theywill,” Bryce said, placing her phone down and grabbing a piece of bread, which she held out for Sophie. “Are yours expecting an update, too?”
“Jill texted me six times.” Sophie shook her head. “I told her about the work thing and that I was finally on my way to you while I was in the Uber, but she messaged again when I was walking, asking for an update, so she knows I’m safe.”
“Safe. Right,” Bryce said with a wink. “It’s crazy how much people are invested in this, huh?”
“You and me?”
“Yeah. When I wrote the initial blog, it was for me. I just needed to get it out. Sean, Megs, and Kels were about done hearing me talk about you or comparing these dates that they wanted me to go on to you, so I needed an outlet. I wasn’t even going to post it. I just needed to write it. But then my hand is on the mouse, and I’m clicking to share it before I can stop myself, and people are responding, asking me to keep writing about it.”
“I’m glad you did,” Sophie noted.
“God, me too. I’m sitting across from you, and we’re at dinner.” Bryce thought for a second. “We’re not just at dinner, right? This is a date.”
“You kissed me the moment you saw me, so… Yeah, I think we can safely say that we’re on a date.”
“A first date,” Bryce said. “A year later.”
“At least, it’s actually happening,” Sophie replied.
Their appetizer arrived a few minutes later, and they placed their entrée order. Bryce loved that Sophie ate four pieces of bread and dove right into their appetizer without holding back. She hated it when women felt like they needed to order salads and hardly ate on a date. They talked about Bryce’s flight in first class and how nervous she’d been all day, and Sophie apologized again when Bryce regaled her with her story of walking up and down Bourbon Street, trying to locate the bar.
“I don’t know why it’s so hard to find the damn place.”