Page 61 of March

Sophie laughed and said, “It happens. And you probably got turned around last year. The cops really took you to the station?”

“Yes. It took me hours to get out of there. I thought they were going to either ticket me or lock me up at some point, but I managed to convince them I had nothing to do with it, and I was totally sober, so that helped. All I wanted to do was get back to you, but I was too late.”

“I can’t believe we missed each other at the café, too,” Sophie said. “I ran after you, Bryce.”

“Had I known, I would’ve pulled the damn car over, Soph. I wish so much that things had been different.”

“Maybe they weren’t supposed to be,” Sophie replied. “Maybe it was supposed to be this way.”

“God… Why? I could’ve had a year with you already,” she said before she took a sip of her wine.

“You think we’d be together?”

Bryce shrugged and replied, “I have no idea what might have happened, obviously. All I know is how I’ve felt since the moment I laid eyes on you and how it’s hurt, not being able to find you. I’m glad we’re finally here, though. We’re on our first date now. As much as part of me wishes it was our hundredth, I kind of like this part, too.”

“Me too,” Sophie told her with that smile again as she pushed her plate away, finished with the catfish she’d ordered.


“If you want,” Sophie said.

“I just want time with you.”

“We can always go to Café Du Monde, then; have some beignets that we would’ve had last year,” Sophie suggested.

“Can we walk? Will it be crazy crowded over there, too?”

“It’ll die down a bit over in the Square, but the Café will be busy, yeah,” Sophie answered.

“Is there even a single quiet place in the city this time of year?”

“Probably your hotel room,” Sophie said.

Bryce swallowed hard and asked, “Not your place?”

“Not built as well as the Quarter hotels, so I sometimes hear my neighbors, but… it’s an option,” Sophie replied.

“Can I get you two some dessert?” the waitress asked.

“No, thank you,” Bryce said. “Just the check.”

The waitress didn’t even blink as she pulled the padfolio out of her apron, always ready for them to leave during busy season, and Bryce quickly placed her credit card on top of it. Having paid, Bryce stood and, once again, held out her hand for Sophie to take.

When they left the restaurant, Sophie pulled them onto a different street, out of the way of the crowd. Bryce stopped them then, hearing the music and sounds fade behind them now, and she pushed Sophie gently against the wall.

“I’m going to kiss you again,” she said.

“I’m going to kiss you back,” Sophie replied. “Again.”


Sophie wasn’t sure how she’d rank their kisses now that there had been three of them. The first one, over a year ago, had been amazing enough, but the second one, in the bar, had been amazing, too. She wasn’t counting the peck at the restaurant while they waited. That one, while very sweet, was definitely not enough. This one, though, as Bryce pressed her against the wall and slowly took her higher and higher just from a kiss, was damn near miraculous. Sophie was certain that if they stood here long enough, with Bryce kissing her just like this, she’d eventually come without ever being touched.

“I know we’re going somewhere to be alone…” Sophie managed to breathe out when Bryce’s lips moved to her neck. “And you have to know how much I want…”

“I know,” Bryce said. “It’s okay.”

“I want to.”