“Hi. This is Sophie. I’m madly in love with you and have been for over a year. Please come kiss me again now,” Jill said.
The group laughed, but Sophie remained serious.
“Hi. It’s me. Your Sophie,” she said as she typed. “You found me, I guess.”
“That’s cute,” Melinda noted, leaning into Sophie a bit.
“Sent,” Sophie said.
“What?!” Jill asked loudly. “You sentthat?”
“Yeah. Shit… Why did I hit send?” she asked herself. “That was awful. Oh, my God! I can’t believe I did that.”
“Send her another message,” Jill told her.
“No, that’ll look weird,” Bridgette added.
Sophie opened up another form and began typing.
“What are you doing?” Kyle asked.
“Telling her I hit send too soon and that I meant to tell her that I looked for her as well.”
“That’s better,” Monica said with a nod.
“What if she doesn’t respond?” she asked after hitting send for the second time.
“She’s looking for you. She’ll respond,” Jill said. “This is the most excitement I’ve had in forever.”
“Food tour,” Melinda reminded.
“Shit! Yeah. I need to go now. Sophie, I expect updates in our group chat the moment she messages you back.”
“Yeah, okay,” Sophie said. “Do you guys mind if I skip dinner? I kind of want to be alone right now.”
“Go. Read and reread blogs about your epic love story,” Bridgette said with a smile.
“Thank you,” she replied.
Sophie constantly checked her phone as she walked home from the restaurant, waiting for a response from Bryce, but by the time she got there, she was disappointed that she didn’t have one. She did exactly what Bridgette had assumed she’d do, though. She read and reread all three blogs, and her heart ached for Bryce to respond to her. It made no sense, but Sophie knew it: she had somehow fallen in love with a woman she’d only known for a few hours.
Bryce stared.
“Oh, my God!” Megan yelped and covered her mouth with her hand. “It’s her.”
“We don’t know that,” Kelsey reasoned. “She’s gotten messages from three womenclaimingto be Sophie. I guess they could be guys claiming to be a woman whoisSophie.” Kelsey looked off toward Bryce’s back concrete patio.
“Stop it,” Megan told her and playfully slapped her.
“Ouch! Be nice.” Kelsey chuckled and pretended to tend to a fake wound on her bare shoulder. “Kiss it and make it better, Megs.”
“Oh, stop,” Megan replied as she giggled.
Bryce looked up in time to see Kelsey appear noticeably disappointed that Megan was back to staring at Bryce’s computer.
“She messaged. You found her.” Megan put her hands on Bryce’s shoulders and gave her a little shake. “The power of lesbians!”