“Now? I haven’t even read the other blogs yet.”
“I did. They’re good. Trust me. She’s looking for you. Just message her.”
“Soph, what’s wrong?” Monica asked instead, knowing her better than the rest of them combined.
“Nothing. I… I just… I can’t believe it. I was trying to move on.”
“But you haven’t, right?” Jill asked. “Don’t answer that. We all know already.”
“I need to process this. Or, at least, read the others.”
“No, you don’t,” Bridgette insisted. “Just tell her you’re out here; that it’s you.”
“End her pain,” Melinda said. “I’m on the second blog now. She almost flew down here to find you.”
“She what?!” Sophie asked, clicking on the next blog.
“Five times. Damn, Sophie. You must be one hell of a kisser,” Melinda teased.
“Hey!” Kyle joked and laughed.
“I love you, baby.” Melinda kissed her cheek.
“She almost flew here?” Sophie asked.
“And now, she’s crowdsourcing your location. Sophia, you need to message her,” Jill said, calling her by her actual first name.
“I want to. It’s not that I don’t. But the way she writes about me… I’m not this–”
“Yes, you are,” Monica interrupted. “You are exactly who she wrote about. You’re the woman she met that night. Message her. Tell her that you’re here and that you’ve been thinking about her, too.”
“But what happens after that?”
“One of you gets on a plane,” Jill replied. “Duh.”
“We meet? In person?” Sophie asked nervously.
“You don’t have to worry about that yet,” Kyle said.
“Just see where it goes,” Melinda added.
“How do I–” Sophie looked down at her phone again. “There’s a contact form somewhere, right?”
“Just leave a comment. She said she’s been reading all of them,” Jill suggested.
“A comment?”
“Yeah. That way, everyone can see that she’s found you.”
“No, email her,” Monica suggested. “You want this to be private. She can tell them later that she found you.”
“That’s no fun,” Jill argued.
“It’s not supposed to be fun. It’s Sophie meeting the possible love of her life again,” Bridgette replied.
Sophie found the contact page, and a form opened up automatically. She stared down at the few required fields and felt like she’d forgotten every word in the English language.
“What do I type?”