Page 111 of March

“What happened?” Bryce asked.

Megan was sitting next to her on the sofa while Kelsey was talking to Sean about something in the kitchen.

“Kels and me.”

“I know.”

“No, I meanithappened.”

“It?” She squinted at Megan. “You mean,itit?”

Megan nodded with a smile and said, “Yes.”

“Really? What happened to waiting?”

“We didn’t,” Megan replied. “I checked. I asked. Trust me, I made sure. She said she wanted to, and we did.”

“And how was it?” Bryce asked, keeping an eye on Kelsey, who was still in the kitchen.

“Great,” Megan said sweetly. “She bumbled a little and, well, asked for somedirection, and it was cute.”


Megan nodded with a smile and said, “Then, it got hot and sexy, and it was perfect, Bryce.” Her smile widened. “It’s happened a few times since then already.”

“What? When did it happen the first time?”

“The night of our first date.”

“You’re joking, right? I talked to Kelsaftershe left your place.”

“Yeah, so did I.” Megan turned to look at Kelsey. “I asked her to come back, and she did. We talked, and I told her I wanted her to stay over, but I thought it would just be sleep.” She turned back to Bryce. “It wasn’t, and I’m really happy, Bry. She’s who I’ve always wanted, you know?”

“I know.”

“It’s like this miracle, to get to be with her this way. I never thought I’d get to have that. She’s in your kitchen, talking to Sean, but soon, we’re going to go back to her place, and–”

“Wrap your thighs around her body?”

The instant Megan’s soft laughter filled the room, Kelsey turned away from Sean and toward her. Bryce watched Kelsey smile at the woman and then look over at her. Kelsey gave her a nod, which told Bryce that she was just as happy.

“We’re dating, but we’re together, too. We’ve already said that that’s what we want,” Megan revealed. “I’ve never wanted anyone but her.”

“And now, she wantsyou. I think that’s pretty amazing, Megs. I’m really happy for you both.”

Kelsey walked over then and sat on Megan’s other side.

“She told you, didn’t she?”

“She did,” Bryce confirmed.

“Told them what?” Sean asked, following Kelsey in.

“That we’ve… taken our relationship to the next level.”

“That you’re dating?”

“No, we’re together,” Kelsey said. “And we’ve… Well, we’ve had sex. Like, a lot of sex. Like, everywhere in my place and everywhere in Megan’s place. Just sex everywhere, and it’s so fucking good.”