Page 112 of March

“Kelsey!” Megan laughed and leaned into her.

“Why didn’t any of you tell me that sex with a woman is insanely good?” Kelsey asked.

“We did!” Sean and Bryce said at the same time.

“Like, a million times,” Sean added with a laugh. “And it’s probably sex with Megs that’s insanely good because you two are great together.” Sean looked up at Bryce. “It’s not always like that, and that’s okay. Sometimes, people are meant to do that with other people.”

“Well, I like doing it with Megan.”

“Oh, my God.” Megan laughed, burying her now bright red face into Kelsey’s neck.

Bryce laughed, too, and when her friends went home for the night, she sat on her sofa, missing them but also really missing someone else.

“Hey,” Sophie said.

“Hi, beautiful,” Bryce replied.

“It’s early. I thought you’d be with your friends tonight.”

“They just left. I think Sean was tired from work, and IknowKelsey and Megs are going to go have sex, so they have their priorities.”

“They’re having sex?” Sophie asked.

“Apparently, they’re having sex all over their houses, and it’s amazing.”

Sophie laughed that laugh that made Bryce want her to be sitting right beside her.

“Really? That’s great.”

“They’re together now, and they both seem really happy about that.”

“I’mreally happywe’retogether.”

“Me too,” Bryce said with a smile. “Want to video chat while I type up another blog?”

“Yeah, let’s do it.”

Bryce moved to her bedroom and pulled out her computer. She set her phone up against her pillow next to her, and a moment later, she was staring at Sophie on the small screen.

“Hi, babe,” Sophie said with a smile.

“You’re so pretty,” Bryce said, tilting her head to take Sophie in.

Sophie giggled and said, “I miss you.”

“I miss you, too.”

“Two more days,” Sophie told her.

“The proposal is tomorrow?”

“Yes. And I’m packing after dinner. I’ll be on a plane the next morning, and I get to see you.” Her smile widened.

“God, I can’t wait. I get a whole week with you before you start your new job. I’m thinking we should really do what Kelsey and Megan recommend.”

“What’s that?”

“Sex all over the house,” Bryce replied.