Page 9 of Guarded By the Orc

I’d felt the same with Savla, Krusk and Enka, but I hadn’t been able to do anything to separate myself from them there. Here, it was different. There was no way I was going to keep putting these innocent people in danger with my presence.

I needed to get away from them, but first, I’d use the mannersthat my mom had drilled into me. I’d be sure to remember these wonderful people for the rest of my life. I cleared my throat, pulling away and lifting my hand in a wave.

“I’m sorry, but I missed the introductions last night. I don’t remember anything. I’m Zara. What’re your names?”



Iwatched my mate introduce herself to my clan, my heart brimming with satisfaction.

This is where she belongs. This is where she’s going to stay.

Every protective instinct inside of me—and I’d had an overabundance of them since I was a very young male—was telling me to keep her here with me, inside the clan. I wasn’t one to ignore my instincts. They had kept my brother and I safe over the years. It was why he trusted me with the security and safety of our businesses and clan.

When my mate was finished speaking, I used the moment to steer the topic into something safe. I didn’t want her bringing up anything about leaving to go find her mother’s house again.

“I almost forgot,” I called, dipping my hand into my pocketsand pulling out stoppered bottles. My best friend Darak had sourced them from the witches for me. I’d used this language potion in the past and found one for Rok when he hadn’t been able to understand his mate.

Pen narrowed her eyes, her arms crossed against her chest, a scowl on her pretty face. “There better be one for me there,” she announced with a sniff.

My grin was mischievous. “I don’t know, Pen, do youneedone?” I asked, shaking a bottle in her direction.

“Iwillkill you,” she said, baring her little teeth at me, and I didn’t doubt that she would do some bodily harm if I kept teasing her. Pregnancy hormones were making her crankier than usual—-while my grumpy brother Dristan was leaning in the other direction, mellowing as the pregnancy progressed. He hugged her around her waist, running a gentle palm against her lower stomach while Pen made theI’m watching yougesture with her fingers.

I huffed out a laugh, passing bottles over to Krusk, Savla, and Enka before telling them in Orcish, “This will help you understand Common.”

I watched Dristan lead Pen out of the room, knowing it would be wise if her stomach was still sensitive. The potion didnotsmell good. With a nod, they bravely tossed the reeking potion back—and I had to admire the fact that these males, who were battle-hardened and relied only on each other and Rok, trusted me enough that they didn’t question the potion that I’d given them, only crinkling their noses and making faces after they swallowed. Humbled, I waited until they were all looking at me again before I said in Common,

“Can you understand me?”

Their eyes widened and they nodded.

“Yes,” Krusk said in perfect Common and he froze before a little laugh escaped him. “It’s that easy?” he asked.

“It can’t be,” Enka said in Common as well, before slapping his brother across his back. “It is!”

Savla nodded in my direction. “Thank you, brother.”

Krusk and Enka said their own thanks. Zara clapped her hands behind me, hurrying forward to pluck the vial from Savla’s hand, staring down at it. “It’s a language potion,” she gasped, before turning and holding it up to me with excitement. “Where did you get it?”

Frowning, I shrugged. “Why?” I asked, suspicion filling my mind. “Do you need one?”

She shook her head, her small hand circling my wrist. Electricity arced through my arm, and I glanced down at where her perfect little fingers were touching me.

“No, this is my mom’s coven! This is her recipe,” she gasped, holding it up to me again. “Look! Here,” she tapped against the side of the glass to where there was a tiny label on the bottom.

The Sisters of the Sagewas written there in small lettering. Frowning, I took it back from her, looking from the label to her.

“Your mom’s coven?” I asked, and she nodded, all but vibrating. I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face at the amount of enthusiasm, but at the same time, I heard a swiftly drawn breath from behind me.

“The Sisters of the Sage? Isn’t that Tasia’s coven?” Becca asked, turning to look at me.

We both knew the name of that coven, but unlike the exuberant joy that Zara was experiencing, dread filled my chest.

“Yes,” I said to Becca, not sure what else to say.

“They’re bad news, Zara,” Pen gasped, her hand going to her chest before she shook her head. “They were the ones who sent Rok back to his home in the first place.”