Page 8 of Guarded By the Orc

I watched Savla nod, even though he was still eyeing Rudgar with suspicion. “It would be better to be closer to the clan, Zara. We just joined it yesterday,” he added, scratching the back of his neck. “And everyone’s more of an elder member than we are.”

I turned to glare at Rudgar, because I wascertainthis was all his fault, but he beamed back at me. With a scowl, I released one of my signature dramatic sighs. “Fine.”

“I’ll take you,” Rudgar said, a triumphant gleam in his eyes. “But first, let’s call a clan meeting. Everyone should know what’s going on.”

I walked ahead of Rudgar, my temper flaring for a moment,but he cleared his throat and I turned to glare at him and Savla. They were both pointing at a door in the opposite direction from where I was heading.

“The apartment’s here,” Rudgar said, that same, perfect, stupid,gorgeoussmile still on his face.

“I knew that,” I insisted, even though we all knew that wasn’t true. He nodded as if he believed me, though, but Savla—who knew how bad my sense of direction was—pursed his lips to stop from smiling.

Smart male.

If he’d laughed in front of Rudgar, he would have been a traitor. I stomped toward the door, yanking it open and storming inside as if I had a right to be there—which I really didn’t. Even if Savla and his brothers had joined the clan, it was anorcclan. And I was most decidedlynotan orc. Or a mate—no matterwhatRudgar was trying to imply.

“Hi,” I announced to the room, where Krusk and Enka were sitting cross-legged in front of the giant TV, poking at it. I couldn’t be sure, but it looked like there were children’s cartoons playing on it.

They waved from their position on the floor and Rok lifted his hand from where he was seated on the sofa, his mate sitting on his lap.

“Hi,” she called, trying to stand, but Rok wasn’t having it, keeping her pinned against him with his arm. He was by far the largest orc male I’d ever seen, so I could imagine what kind of strength it would take for her to fight her way out of that hold. Rolling her eyes, she beamed at me. “I was going to hug you and completely invade your personal space in gratitude for bringing him back to me, but…” she trailed off, tipping her head down at where Rok had trapped her in his hold. “I heard you’d be staying with Rud,” she continued, settling against her mate without bothering to try to escape again.

“You did, huh?” I asked, turning to glare at the male coming in behind me.

He was still only wearing thosedamnsweatpants that did nothing to hideanythingwhile his bare, lickable, chest was on display.

“Because we agreed,” he said with a nod, folding his muscular arms and making me drool as his biceps bunched.

One nip. One nip of his perfect, green skin and I’ll be cured of my obsession with him.

I bitch-slapped my internal voice—because if Ididbite him, I was more liable to become evenmoreobsessed with him.

“We didnotagree to that.Yousaid that we could think about it as anoption,” I insisted.

“The best option,” he told me with a nod and I was about to launch myself at him—to fight him or to kiss him, I couldn’t be certain—when the door opened and another orc and human female entered.

The female beamed at me, hurrying over to wrap her arms around me and squeeze me tight. Shock filled me as she swayed me in her arms. My bewildered gaze found Rudgar’s over her shoulder and he smiled at me with a gentleness that I could become addicted to.

“Thank you for bringing Rok home,” the female told me, hugging me tighter.

“It wasn’t any trouble,” I explained, giving in and hugging her back. “In fact, it was because of Rok that I was able to escape. These guys savedmeand I was able to come home because of his mating bond.”

“Really?” Rok’s mate said from next to me. I was almost certain that I should know their names, but my brain was blank. The power I’d used the night before had drained me, and even if I’d been conscious enough to be told, I’d already forgotten them.

I nodded, releasing one female long enough to be pulled into ahug with the other.

“I don’t know how to thank you, though. If it wasn’t for you,” she said with a sniffle, “I wouldn’t have him back here, safe with me.”

I rubbed my palm against her back, uncomfortable with her tears. They shouldn’t be thanking me for getting Rok involved in my drama. I wished they allhadn’tbeen. So that they would be safe, far away from me.

My heart ached at the memory of my mom. She’d died because of all the power she’d used throughout her life to keepmesafe. Her body had been too drained to continue. Everyone around me was always in danger. There was no way I could let them do that.

Especially not these wonderful, beautiful people who didn’t know what I was up against. There wasn’t any way for them to know and I couldn’t tell them. I didn’t want them to know how much of a mess I was. How much everyone in my life probably wished I’d never existed. I backed away from them, the words trying to leave my lips, but getting trapped. I coughed, choking with the attempt, and a big palm settled on my back, rubbing gentle circles.

“Are you okay?” The low rumble came to me, releasing the panic that had begun gathering inside me. I straightened, clearing my throat and nodding.

“Yes, of course,” I gasped, stepping away from the touch that made me feel—for once in my life—like I belonged.

I don’t deserve that. I don’t deserve anything these kind people are trying to do for me.