The orc in front of me looked abashed, scratching the back of his neck before responding. “Our clan is small. Myself, my mate, my brother and your female.”
The low growl started in my chest. Was he harboring my mate as a possible bed-partner for his brother? I’d rip the male’s throat out before I let him touch her.
“She is Penelope’s friend. Her sister in every way except blood,” he told me.
The little female behind him called out, “My sister. I want my sister.” She held her hand out toward my Becca, but when my mate tried to move around me, I stopped her by pulling her close.
She peered up at me and the pleading look in her eyes told me she wanted to go to her. My heart ached at that. I didn’t want to deny her anything, but I didn’t want to lose her either. There was no way I could let her go now that I had her, but that was what she was asking of me.
Swallowing hard, hating what I had to do, I released her. She took a hesitant step away, watching me with narrowed eyes for a moment before she ran to her sister. The blow to my heart was one that I didn’t know if I would be able to survive.
She’s left me.
“Put down your weapon,” the male demanded and my muscles moved on their own, bereft without her behind me to protect. I put my axe into the leather holder strapped to my back, my gaze on my female. She was hugging her sister-witch, but her eyes were locked on mine.
She feels it too. I know it.
She might not be an orc, but she felt the connection between us. I’d seen it in her eyes earlier. Felt it in the way her body reacted to mine, arching to my touch.
I would find her again. Now that we were in the same place,I’d find a way to woo her. I just needed to track her to her home. With that information, I’d be able to start my plan. She would be mine eventually, I was sure of it.
“You’re welcome to come with us,” Dristan said and my eyes widened.
“Come with you to… Becca’s home?” I asked, wondering if this was a trick.
“You’re her mate,” he said with a shrug. “I’m sure she’d be happy to have you stay with her.”
Hope filled my chest so fast, I had to press my hand to my heart. It was beating out of control.
“Yes. Yes, I’ll stay with her,” I agreed as fast as I could, making my way toward them. I stood near my female, who was looking between Dristan and me with a confused expression.
She wouldn’t be confused for long. I was going to her home and I had every intention of making my claim on her.
Chapter Twelve
I was almost certain that Dristan was a traitor who’d sold me down the river. Rok was walking with us, his curious gaze traveling around us as we walked.
When we came to Dristan’s SUV, I saw Rok’s hand go to his axe and I stopped him, shaking my head with vehemence.
“Can you tell him to not attack your car?” I asked Dristan and the male quirked a grumpy eyebrow before speaking to Rok. There was a short exchange where Rok prodded the SUV with the wooden end of his axe. He grunted before strapping it to his back once more.
His expression was filled with awe as Dristan opened the door for Penelope. His big fingers played at the handle for the back door, clumsily finding the latch before holding it open for me, a proud grin crossing his face.
Oh, wow. More of a gentlemale than any of the idiots I’ve dated before and he doesn’t even know what a car is.
I took my seat, sliding over to make room for Rok. His expression was curious as he clambered in, the top of his axe grazing against the roof. He grunted a few words in orcish andDristan released a grudging laugh before he took his own seat.
“Your male’s going to be staying with you,” Dristan told me in Common and I blinked at him.
“What?” I asked, looking between them.
This is a conspiracy. Orcs sticking together and all that.
“But I don’t know him,” I argued.
“I have other apartments, of course,” Dristan said, pulling away from the curb. Rok’s arms shot out to grip me, yanking me closer against his side, his other arm holding onto the door, his knuckles almost white. “But he’s not from here. He needs someone to help him learn his way around.”