Page 17 of Summoning the Orc

He barked out a few words in orcish and Penelope and Dristan both laughed.

“He just told us to slow the beast before it digests us,” Penelope giggled. “I like him.”

“Yeah, well then he can stay with you guys,” I groused, my heart melting as he tucked me protectively against his chest.

“He’s going to demand to stay with you and you know it,” Penelope called, peeking at me with a mischievous grin. “And you have to admit that he’s pretty handsome.”

Dristan’s growl earned him a comforting stroke down his chest from his mate. She grinned at him, smacking a kiss across his cheek. “Not as handsome as you, of course.”

Dristan grunted his agreement, eyeing us in the rearview mirror. “A mated male isn’t going to stay away from you. And I’m guessing he’s not from this dimension. You should cut him some slack and let him stay with you. Our mates keep us calm,” he said, leaning over to press a sweet kiss to Penelope’s lips.

I watched Rok’s gaze sharpen with interest at their kiss, his head tilting with curiosity and then he turned to eye me with speculation. I looked away, hoping he wouldn’t try that with me. I wasn’t sure I could resist him.

The fact that Dristan was defending Rok—and using so manywords to do so when he wasn’t the most talkative orc in the world—told me that he found the male to be trustworthy. I wasn’t heartless. I knew it was my fault that I’d summoned him in the first place, but I didn’t trust myself to keep my hands off him.

And I was a romantic at heart. I believed in happily ever afters. What if I fell head over heels for this male and then he had to go back home? I had Penelope and her parents here. I couldn’t imagine never seeing them again.

This mating—while it was something I’d dreamed of for a long time—didn’t seem like it was in the stars. Why would the Gods send me a fated mate fromwhereverthe hell he came from instead of right here? It wasn’t fair. I’d been dreaming of an orc mate and now that I had one, I’d probably have to wish him goodbye.

I allowed myself a quick nuzzle against his chest, his scent relaxing me in a way I’d never felt before. He tugged me closer still—almost on top of his lap—before I pulled myself free.

“Fine. He can stay with me, but he’s sleeping in the other bedroom,” I sniffed.

“Your sleeping arrangements have nothing to do with us,” Dristan said, but Penelope was already turned in her seat to grin at me.

“Come on, Becks. The one bed trope is our favorite for a reason!”

“Inbooks, maybe,” I huffed. “But this is real life andthatis a real orc next to me.”

I eyed his bare chest, licking my lips before I could stop myself and Penelope snorted out a laugh.

“Yeah, you’re going to be sharing a bed before the week’s out. I can already tell,” she cackled.

“No one asked you,” I retorted, tugging a lock of her curly hair.

She laughed, saying something to Rok in orcish. The malelooked down at me with a possessive gleam in his eyes and responded to her.

“Oh, he said he’ddefinitelybe staying with you,” Penelope said to me in Common with a semi-feral grin on her face. Ever since she’d fallen in love with Dristan, she’d been trying to set me up with every available orc in the city. “And I’m guessing that means you’ll be getting l-a-i-d, finally.”

I rolled my eyes, but heat rushed to my cheeks as Rok nuzzled his tusk against the top of my head again.

Damn it. I can’t fall in love with this male. He has to go back and I don’t have the emotional capacity to deal with that.

“No, no!” I gasped, reaching out to take the keycard back from Rok as he took it right out of my hands.

His eyes had been roving around with curious interest ever since we’d exited the SUV. He was less inclined to grab his axe for every vehicle that we walked by, and I figured that was an improvement.

Dristan and my traitorous best friend had both grinned at me when Rok had yanked me against him protectively in the elevator, suspicious of it and trying to keep me close.

“You’re both assholes,” I muttered, glaring at them as I tugged Rok out of the elevator onto the floor my apartment was on. The doors closed behind us while Penelope sent a wink my way.

“Enjoy yourselves in there,” she called and I rolled my eyes.

I knew she had my best interest at heart, but couldn’t she see that I was in an impossible situation? He might be the male of my dreams, but he wasn’t mine tokeep.

He followed me without complaint, his eyes warm as they stared down at where I held onto his hand. He adjusted our fingers, entwining them and released a low purr of pleasure. It sent a shiver up my spine and warmth spread in my chest.

It felt amazing to be wanted by this male. Even such a small touch affected him. Clearing my throat, I moved toward the door and released him to get the keycard from my purse. That was when he decided to confiscate it.