“Don’t move,” he sat up and stroked her hair. He walked into the bathroom and cleaned himself quickly and then went back to take care of his woman. Laura made a grumbling sound as he pressed the warm wet washcloth betweenher cheeks to wash away the lube. He went back to rinse the cloth and returned. Laura hadn’t moved a muscle, but goosebumps had started forming as she cooled. He carefully turned her and made quick work of cleaning her pussy.
She swatted at his hands. “No more,” she moaned and James grinned with satisfaction. She was good and thoroughly fucked. He dropped the washcloth on the ground and slipped into bed with her for some well-earned rest.
James woke first. Rays of sunshine streamed between the curtains and embraced Laura. His Laura. His heart felt raw with emotion. She was his. She wanted to commit. Sleepy eyes blinked up at him. She was beautiful with her sleep mussed hair and lines from wrinkles in the pillow on her face. Her mouth curled in a loving smile and her eyes quickly became more focused as her brain switched into gear.
He kissed her lightly on the lips. “Good morning,” he whispered with his lips near hers.
She did a lazy stretch and pushed herself up on her elbows. “Good morning, Sir. What are the plans for today?”
The blankets slid down and gave a tantalizing glimpse of her magnificent body.
James pretended to be thinking while he shamelessly ogled his woman.His!“Well, today you’re going to move in with me.”
She grinned and silently mouthed, “Control freak,” but nodded.
“I also want to discuss with you how we’re going toproceed from here. I want it all with you, Laura. Living together is the first step. I want to make you mine in every way possible.”Yeah, I’m pushing, but we need to be on the same page.
Laura nodded again and replied, “I understand that. I’m yours like you said last night – body, mind, and soul. I agree to moving in with you.” She shrugged and scrunched up her nose. “Althoughtodaymight be a tad optimistic.”
James accepted that with a shrug. “We might not be able to move all your stuff, but I don’t want you to stay in your duplex. I want to have you here, with me.” His gaze connected with hers. “Not that I’m complaining, but what made you change your mind?”
“I don’t really think it was one thing. It was everything.” Laura chewed on her lip, thinking. “All that we’ve been through made me realize I wasn’t afraid of a future with you, I was trapped by fear of my past. But gradually I started to comprehend something.”
“Oh?” James slid up his left eyebrow.
“Well, I don’t really know how to explain. You’re bossy and you have pushed me but always in a way that benefits me. Like with the jogging.”
James cocked his head.Did she finally get the difference?
“I’m not weak by submitting to you and you’re not a bully like my ex. Your need for control isn’t to curb me. You give me space when I want it and push me when I need it. You’re also sweet and considerate – loving.” Laura blushed slightly.
James took her face between his hands, her cheeks petal soft between the calluses on his palms. He gazedinto her eyes, hoping she would glimpse the profound love reverberating within his soul.
“I love you, honey,” he confessed, his voice a tender declaration that carried the weight of his devotion. He willed her to understand the depth of his feelings, to see the sincerity etched in his every word.
As her eyes met his, a surge of emotion flooded his being. Her whispered response filled the air, a cherished affirmation that resonated deep within him. “Oh James, I love you, too.”
The admission held him captive, suspended in a moment where time seemed to stand still, before, propelled by an irresistible force, James closed the distance between them.
His lips found hers, and their mouths merged in a passionate kiss. With his hands still cradling her face, he showered her cheeks and mouth with tender kisses, each one a testament to the love that flowed from his soul.
Reluctantly, he pulled away. “Finally,” he whispered, his voice filled with relief and a depth of yearning that had accompanied him for far too long. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear these words from you.”
His hold on her face tightened, his gaze unwavering. He wanted her to understand, to believe the promises he was about to make. I will always take care of you,” he vowed, his voice firm and resolute. “Don’t ever doubt that!”
July 31, 2019
Suzie pulled the laces at the back of her sister’s corset a bit tighter and admired Laura. She looked lovely. Her corset was a deep purple color with black laces and trim. It went perfectly with her winter coloring and the black thong she was wearing. Wilma would have approved… although she might not have appreciated the occasion, Suzie thought with a grin.
Before helping Laura into her corset, Suzie pulled her sister’s hair up in an intricate updo, so her long and slender neck was exposed. Although she had never been to a collaring, it made sense not to have any hair in the way.
She turned Laura around by the shoulders. “Are you ready, sis?”
“How do I look?” Laura asked, biting her lip.
Suzie leaned back to assess her. Her sister looked positively radiant. Some might say it had to do with her weight loss, clean skin, and glossy hair from the healthy lifestyle she was living now. But that wasn’t it, or at leastnot all of it. It was the happiness and confidence that shone in her eyes.