Page 89 of James

“You look absolutely stunning.” Suzie responded, her heart filled with genuine warmth and admiration. “I’m so happy for you. I’m proud of you, too. You’ve been so brave in going through with your relationship. I’m so sorry I didn’t understand sooner.”

Smiling, Laura pulled her into a hug. “Oh honey, don’t worry about that anymore. You didn’t know. Heck, I didn’t know if James was genuine at first, and I’d read all those books. Did you finishMasters of the Shadowlandsby the way?”

Suzie laughed. “Yes, I did,” she replied. It helped me understand things better and get more perspective on D/s dynamics. But I only have to watch you and James together and I know this is what you want and need.” She nudged Laura to the door. “But let’s go now,” she urged. “Otherwise, you’ll get your ass paddled before he’s officially collared you.”

Their laughter echoed through the room as they hurried toward the main area, excited to join the gathering. In that shared moment of joy and understanding, Suzie embraced the bond between them and completely accepted the strange dynamics her sister was about to enter.

As they entered the big open space of the club, James’s eyes lit up with joy and then darkened with possessiveness. He excused himself from Mitch, Kate and Chris and stalked through the room to where the two sisters were standing.

He gave Suzie a chaste kiss on the cheek and turned his attention to his woman. Suzie smiled sweetly,squeezed Laura’s hand affectionately and stepped back from the couple.

James gripped both her hands and looked down into Laura’s eyes, “Ready?”

She smiled widely. “Completely, Sir.”

He let go of one of her hands and turned around and stood next to her. The music went silent, and all attention fell on the lovely couple. Slowly they walked to the center of the room. Everybody gathered around the main playing area. They left a respectful distance from the couple but stood close enough so everyone could witness the collaring. James led Laura to a small table and ordered her to kneel.

“I want to thank all of you for coming to share this special night with us. This is the one-year anniversary of the day Laura and I met. We thought it an appropriate date for our ceremony. Traditionally, a collaring is preceded by a whipping, but since neither of us is comfortable with heavy impact play, we’ll do this our way. As most of you know, I am inspired by Hindu and Buddhist lifestyles. So we’ve decided to use a Hindu tradition instead.”

James stepped to the right and said, “Let us take the first step to provide for our household a nourishing and pure diet, avoiding those foods injurious to healthy living.” He took a step around the kneeling Laura. "Let us take the second step to develop physical, mental and spiritual powers.” With each pronouncement, he took another step. “Let us take the third step to increase our wealth by righteous means and proper use. Let us take the fourth step to acquire knowledge, happiness and harmony by mutual love and trust. Let us take the fifth step so we are surrounded with strong, virtuous,and heroic family and friends. Let us take the sixth step for self-restraint and longevity.” He finished his circuit and returned to face Laura as he said, “Let us take the seventh step and be true companions and remain lifelong partners by this collaring. Do you accept these terms?”

With a clear voice Laura replied, “I accept these terms, Sir.”

Suzie daubed at her brimming eyes, laughing quietly at herself. She’d cried buckets at her father’s wedding to the former Mrs. Shepherd last month, and she’d surely fill more at the wedding James and Laura had planned for next month. She didn’t think she’d cry for this, but the feeling was just the same.

James turned to the table and retrieved a beautiful silver necklace. He held the collar in his hands. “Today I offer you a collar. I will support and guide you and will discipline you if you do not take proper care of yourself. I ask that you will honor and obey me, will communicate your fears, wants and needs to me and you will use your safewords if needed. Do you accept my collar?”

Laura had tears in her eyes, but her voice was steady as she replied, “I do, Sir”.

James secured the collar around the neck of his submissive and held his hand out to her. Laura rose gracefully to her feet, and he claimed her lips in a deep, drugging kiss.

The entire room erupted in cheers, whistles, and cat-calls. Sweat beaded on Suzie’s forehead when the kiss turned more carnal.

When the couple finally broke free, Laura sought Suzie with her gaze. Joyful tears seeped from her eyes and mirrored the waterworks in Suzie’s. Swallowing past the lump in her throat, Suzie nodded and held up a thumb.

The music came back on –The Search is Overby Survivor. The pair made their rounds through the room filled with their friends.

Suzie watched as her big sister walked around the room. Even if Laura had knelt in front of her man and had a collar around her throat there was nothing demeaning about their relationship. James clearly adored her sister and would do anything for Laura.

How would it be to have a strong man by her side again?

Richard had been wonderful. He had given her a home and two wonderful children, had loved her without condition and left her too soon. She would love him as long as she lived, but she could see the appeal in having a man to take the reins from her. Besides her work and taking on the majority of the care for their children, Suzie had always been the one to make the day-to-day decisions about their family and household.

As she observed the dynamics and thought her wistful thoughts, she felt a trickle of awareness, like someone was watching her.