Sonja Madden felt out of place as she sat alone on the edge of the scening area while the celebration at Club Indigo continued. As the place where the local BDSM community gathered to play, it was her favorite hangout, but tonight, she wasn’t feeling like she fit in. Something about the way the people around her kept falling in love was throwing her off balance. Now her business partner was married to their accountant.
Sonja studied the proud, possessive way Connor was watching Suzie, his new wife and submissive. She had never thought she needed a partner, but after seeing them together, Sonja wanted someone who couldn’t take his eyes off her, too. She longed for a soulmate, someone with whom to share her life and who cared about how her day went. As she watched, Suzie turned her head in Connor’s direction. Sonja loved how the newlyweds seemed to have an entire conversation with just a glance that spoke of love, devotion, and promise. At that moment, nothing existed for the two of them except their connection.
That’s what I want! Why can’t I find it?
Sonja sighed. Should she go home? The place would be cold and empty since Snuggles was at the vet. He had been losingweight the past few months, and the doctor had found an abscessed tooth. Her black sweetheart had undergone surgery this morning, and because he was sixteen, they were keeping him for observation. Going home held no appeal, but staying didn’t either. For someone as goal oriented as she was, it was strange to feel this indecisive.
Movement from the bar caught her eye. Chris was getting up from his barstool. Sonja had once lusted after the playful, handsome Dominant, but it had never sizzled between them, so she’d crossed him off her list for everything except occasional play. Now he led Yvonne to the St. Andrew’s cross in the main room.
Yvonne had been helping at The Sweet and Savory Table, the cafe Sonja owned with Suzie and Connor, and Sonja naturally felt protective of her. Her mind drifted to her business partners and their relationship. After a couple of punishments at the club, Sonja had avoided the Scottish sadist. However, he was a great accountant and an unexpected bonus when she’d partnered with Suzie. She was the most skilled baker Sonja had ever met, and their business was doing better than ever.
The slaps of a flogger hitting flesh drew Sonja’s attention to the scene before her. She watched with rapt attention as Chris worked over the bound woman before him. He’d taken off his shirt, and his well-developed muscles flexed and tensed under tanned skin as he wielded his tools. The man had worked construction all his life, and there was nothing artificial about his physique. Chris pressed his body against Yvonne’s back and snaked his arm to her front.
Is he fondling her breasts or stroking her pussy?
She couldn’t see from her position, but both thoughts made her hot. Knowing the blond hunk of a man, he was probably whispering something wicked in Yvonne’s ear that would heighten her arousal.
Chris stepped to his gym bag to retrieve a cane. Sonja winced. She enjoyed watching lighter impact play with floggers and even crops, but whips and canes were too much.
As Chris started to land measured strokes across Yvonne’s buttocks and thighs, Sonja looked away from the scene. It didn’t matter. Subs had a safeword, and the Dominants here, even the sadists, would never break the skin. She’d rather not watch a caning or whipping, let alone receive one. Sonja was more into erotic play and D/s.
She allowed her gaze to wander over the crowd. The festivities had not only brought Yvonne to the club but three other newcomers—a small woman whose outfit screamed ‘Domme’ and two tall men, one a gorgeous silver fox and the other a red-haired, baby-faced man. From their dark slacks and dress shirts, she suspected they were Dominants as well. Ordinarily, she would be among the first to introduce herself, but she didn’t have the energy tonight. When was the last time she hadn’t wanted to meet new people?
A keening cry followed by a commotion had her turning back to the scene as Kate, the dungeon monitor for the evening, rushed past her to assist Chris. Sonja went from mildly interested to deeply worried as Kate helped Chris lower a now-limp Yvonne to the ground and turn her on her side. Her stomach dropped as she recognized the recovery position from her high school first aid classes. This would make breathing easier for the girl, and it would still be possible to observe her.
What the hell is wrong? Should I call 911?
That was a stupid thought since the club didn’t allow cell phones in the play areas. She had to do something, though. Sonja surged to her feet, intent on helping. Before she could take more than three steps, a firm hand on her shoulder halted her. Sonja turned around to give the person, whoever they were, her patented death glare and came face to face with one of thenew guys. Serious hazel eyes and a strong, unyielding bearded jawline confirmed her earlier suspicion. This latest addition to Club Indigo was as dominant as they came.
“Don’t interfere in their aftercare,” he said in a low voice, his hand still on her arm.
Sonja blinked up in confusion.
Yvonne’s reaction wasn’t normal, and she needed to help. Why didn’t he get that? She tried to worm herself free from his hold on her, but he tightened his grip. She was helpless and wasn’t sure how she felt about it.
“Contain your impulses, girl. Watch and listen,” he ordered, and Sonja debated between flipping him the bird and obeying him. Her good girl nature won, and she stopped her struggles. Sonja allowed the sounds and impressions to enter her mind. The melodic laughter that could only come from Kate and Chris’ low murmuring rumble reached her. She studied the three as Chris collected Yvonne in his strong arms and the trio settled on the big red couch.
Sonja relaxed and glanced up at the strange Dom. He gave her a crooked smile, and his approval warmed her from the inside out.
“There we go,” he said in the low tone that reverberated in Sonja’s stomach and lower regions.
After another deep stare into her eyes, he let go of his hold on her, and she missed the warmth of his touch. She crossed her arms and rubbed them to alleviate the chill before it could reach her insides.
Now he will walk away. Maybe I should head home.
She was so caught up in her miserable thoughts, she missed what he said to her. “I’m sorry, Sir, I didn’t catch that.”
If he had any thought or reaction, he was good at hiding it. “How about I get us a drink, we sit down and get to know each other.”
She narrowed her eyes and asked in the same slow, careful way Snuggles would approach a new toy, “Why would I want to do that?”
He frowned at her lack of honorific. “Is this the way subs address a Dom in this club?”