Page 2 of Derek

Sonja straightened and looked up with what she hoped was a contrite expression. “I’m sorry, Sir. The subs here aren’t rude, but you’re not my Dom.”

He grabbed her chin and studied her face. His grip was careful yet unyielding, and she froze. “Babygirl, I like a little bit of sass in a submissive. I might not be your Dom, yet, but it would be good to remember I have my limits.” He let go of her chin and smiled at her, transforming his face from interesting to charming. “I’m Derek, by the way.”


“Nice to meet you, Sonja,” he said with another panty-dropping smile—not that she was wearing any under her form-fitting dress. “Now, tell me what you want to drink.”

Without a second thought, she asked for an orange juice, and he told her to sit at the barrel table near the main floor and a red couch. Sonja was halfway to the spot he’d indicated before she realized she was doing what he wanted.

Damn the man. She was like that cornered mouse she’d saved from Snuggles last summer. She still didn’t know which one of them had been more afraid—she really didn’t like rodents—but she hadn’t been able to let her cat eat the defenseless creature. This Dom looked at her like he could eat her. It was scary and exhilarating at the same time.

He returned from the bar with a beer for himself and her drink. Her gaze zoomed in on the object he was holding in his right hand. She looked at him and the cup, and her mouth dropped open. He was holding a child’s plastic cup with a straw sticking out of the lid.

Hell, no!She wasn’t going to drink her juice from that!

She rose from her seat at the small round table, planted her fists on her hips, and opened her mouth. Before she could utter a sound, he captured her lips in a toe-curling kiss. His lips were warm and firm, and his cropped beard was soft and sexy. She pressed her thighs together against the gathering wetness.

How was that possible? Only their mouths touched, but she felt herself falling under his spell with every slow movement of his lips against hers. He snaked out his tongue, and she reciprocated with her own.

Sonja opened her eyes when he moved away and planted his fine butt on the stool. He placed the cup on the round table and nodded to the seat she had vacated. Her eyes went from his face to the stool, the drink, and back to his face. The challenge blazed in his eyes, and she returned it with her own stare, throwing daggers.

“I’m not a child, and I’m not going to drink from that stupid cup!”

Hell, she had been fending for herself since she was seventeen! She debated throwing a tantrum but decided against it. It would only substantiate his assumption she was a babygirl and a brat. She huffed and crossed her arms before lookingaround and back to him. He was taking a swallow of beer from his bottle. He pulled the dark brown glass away from those lips that had felt so good on her mouth, and gestured to her stool with the neck of the bottle. She shook her head. Deliberately, she walked over to the couch a couple of feet away and plopped down. She peeked under her lashes at him. He merely sat there, sipping his beer, her cup apparently forgotten on the table. She was thirsty, dammit! She could always go to the bar for her drink, but Scott might side with the Dom and refuse to serve her.

Derek had trouble containing his laughter but knew from experience he had to hold it back. What a brat!

He’d known he was pushing it when he asked Scott to put her drink in a roleplay cup. The switch/bartender had arched an eyebrow but held up a sippy cup for a toddler and a cute Disney princess cup with a red-and-white straw. He wasn’t sure why, but he had chosen the one for a slightly older child. He had no idea to what age she regressed, although her whole demeanor had screamed ‘Little one’ to him from the moment he had laid eyes on her. She was beautiful, with dark skin and sinful curves, but those weren’t the only reasons he was attracted to her from the beginning.

All right, Daddy’s in the house.

He finished his beer and placed the bottle slowly and deliberately on the table. He rose to his feet and strode over to the couch, where he bent down and put his hand on the backrest beside her head. She shrank back into the cushions.

“Are you done being stubborn?” He hardened his voice without raising it.

She shook her head, eyebrows drawn together to look threatening.

“Little girl, let me tell you what’s going to happen tonight. You’re going to obey Daddy unless you want to use the club’s safeword—red.”

She opened her mouth, and he held up a finger.

“Only use it when you’re in pain or distress, not just when you are annoyed,” he said, and her mouth snapped shut. “You’re going to sit with Daddy like a civilized girl, and you’re going to have your drink.” She started to shake her head again, but he continued ruthlessly, “Or Daddy is going to drag you to the table, and you’re going to finish your drink.” She huffed and looked him squarely in the eye, but she didn’t use her safeword.

He sighed and started to straighten.Game on!

She let out an audible sigh of relief, now that he wasn’t crowding her space, and a small smile tugged at her lips. The little brat was feeling confident and believed he was all talk and no action. She had another think coming!

He shot out his hand, grabbed a large handful of her hair, and pushed himself up with the other hand, pulling her with him. He had a firm grip so she couldn’t do anything but follow him. He steered her back to the table and its abandoned cup. She glared at it as he pushed her down and let go of her hair. She started to slip off the seat. “If you leave the chair, you’ll end up over my knee, and then you can finish your drink. I don’t want you dehydrated when we start playing.”

She whipped her gaze up at him. Sonja had an expressive face, and she’d practically lit up the room when he mentioned play. Wasn’t she aware they were already in a scene? Probably not. “Sonja, do you want to use your safeword?” He needed to be sure they were on the same page.

“No, Sir.”

“Do you want to play with me?”

“Yes, Sir.” The longing in her voice was clear.

He was glad he hadn’t misread the situation. “Daddy,” he emphasized. “When we’re in a scene, I’m your Daddy. I’ll take care of your needs, and I’ll discipline you when needed. You want to be Daddy’s good girl, don’t you?”