Oliver shook his head, brows furrowed. “Okay. I mean, you do spend more time with him and I only saw him for a couple minutes. Just be careful, okay?”
I nodded, understanding my friend wanting to protect me. I didn’t want to tell him that I’d actually be completely okay with it if Dr. Cohen was into me like that.
After Oliver left, I decided to take my mind off what was happening with Tate by getting some coursework done for my classes. When my alarm to remind me of my therapy appointment went off, I was pleasantly surprised to see that I’d gotten a few hours of work done. I had some time before I needed to leave, so I showered and picked out a cute outfit. I knew that my little crush on Dr. Cohen was not only inappropriate, but also never going to actually amount to anything. It was dumb to specifically dress up forour session, but I couldn’t help but wonder if he’d like someone skinny and feminine like me. I mean, he was probably straight, but even if he was gay, I felt like I looked childish compared to him. Even if I wasn’t a walking red flag emotionally, I didn’t feel like I’d be his type.
I had been dressing more femme each session, trying to judge where he drew the line. I’d worn a pretty - but very short - skirt last time and that had resulted with him touching my bare thigh. Just thinking about his large, strong hand on my thigh caused my dick to plump up. I shifted from foot to foot, trying not to get fully hard since I had to leave in just a couple of minutes. I quickly chose a lace camisole and a pair of shorts, throwing everything on before walking out my front door.
On the drive over, I went over every reason that Dr. Cohen could not and would not be attracted to me. Still, after parking my car outside the office, I applied a fresh coat of clear lip gloss. It wouldn’t hurt anything.
As I walked in, Amelia looked up from her desk and brightly smiled at me. “Hi, Lane! He told me to just have you walk back to his room again today, is that alright?”
I shrugged and returned her smile. “Sure, it’d be hard to get lost on the way.”
Within a minute, I was standing in front of Dr. Cohen’s door. I gently knocked and waited to hear, “Come in!” before turning the knob. As I entered, Dr. Cohen turned to face me from where he was standing behind his cluttered desk.
“Lane, how are you? Please, take a seat. I’ll be with you in just a second,” he smiled. I smiled back and headed over to the couch to take my usual seat.
“I’m good! How are you?” I asked politely.
Dr. Cohen rounded his desk and to my surprise, seated himself next to me on the couch.
“I’m doing lovely, Lane. Thank you for asking. You have such greatmanners.” He praised me. My eyelids fluttered from the praise. I 100% blamed him for now having a praise kink. “So, I have a few topics I want to talk about today, but firstly, has anything new happened since our last session?”
“Well… Actually, yeah,” I winced. “Apparently Tate is missing. The rest of my family are really concerned. Is it bad that I kind of hope he never comes back?”
Dr. Cohen nodded empathetically, laying his arm on the top of the couch. “It’s not bad to feel that way. In fact, I’d expect it with anyone in your situation.”
I gave a brief nod, nervously swallowing, “Okay. That’s good that it’s normal. My mom said that the police can’t find him. I just hope he stays gone– whether he’s dead or alive.”
Dr. Cohen hummed, a soft smile playing on his lips, thick fingers drumming on the couch. “Do you want to talk about it some more?”
“Oh, no, that’s okay, I’m not really upset about it. What were you wanting to talk about?” I asked.
“Firstly, I wanted to try something a bit different during this session that I think could be beneficial for you,” he smiled.
I raised a brow, wondering, “What did you wanna try?”
He slid closer to me on the couch, causing me to quietly gasp.
“Would you like to sit on my lap while we talk?” He asked, chucking lightly as I recoiled in confusion. “I feel like we made an extraordinary amount of progress last time, when I was a bit closer to you. I think you may feel even more comfortable this way.”
There was no way I was going to tell Oliver about this, butfuck -I wanted to sit in Dr. Cohen’s lap. I tried to rationalize it to myself, hanging tightly onto the belief that he was only doing this to help me. It may not be normal, but so what if he had some unconventional methods?
I took a breath before murmuring, “Yes, we can try that.”
Suddenly, I was being lifted and arranged onto his lap. Talk aboutbeing manhandled. I bit my lip harshly to contain the whimper threatening to escape. He positioned me over his thighs, feet on the couch cushion, head tucked into his chest. I immediately regretted it as there was no way in hell I’d be able to focus on the therapy questions when I could feel his thighs underneath my butt. I tried to exhale, but it came out as a pitiful whine instead, causing him to smile.
“Comfortable?” He teased me. I began squirming to get myself off his lap, deciding I was too close to him to think straight. His arm tightened around my back and waist where he was holding me up. “Come on,” he coaxed, “Give it a try. It might feel a bit weird at first.”
“I– I don’t think I can,” I stammered, held in place by his strength.
He chuckled, “I think you can, sweet boy.” I blushed furiously, wiggling my bottom half to try to get free. His free hand grasped my chin, moving my face so that I was looking straight into his. “Try to stop squirming, please.”
“Dr. Cohen, I– I really can’t,” starting to breathe faster.
He sighed, relenting and letting me go. I scrambled backwards off his lap.
“I pushed you too hard, I’m sorry.”