“How can you find that the least bit funny?” Sadie demanded.

“Angel, I think Mr. Wane was talking about swapping stories, not women,” Derek said, looking over to Winston. “Unless I’m sorely mistaken?”

Winston chuckled again. “You’re not. I did mean stories.” He turned his attention to Sadie. “It’s a good thing too as, unfortunately, I’m fresh out of women to swap.”

“Oh!” Sadie’s face turned pink. “I-I um, I guess that was a little rude.”

“Alittle?” Jayne said, her tone still brooking no nonsense.

“Okay, a lot,” Sadie confessed. “I’m sorry, Mr. Wane. I just get worked up. It isn’t that I don’t like people. Really, Ilovepeople of all kinds?—”

“Just not the kind who chop up this beautiful land into a million pieces and sell them off to city slickers?” Winston offered.

The fact that Sadie didn’t even hesitate to nod in agreement endeared her further to Winston.

“I promise, that is not my intention,” Winston said.

“Then what is?” Sadie pressed, evidently not remembering any reference to her questions being rude.

“That is what the swap is about.” Winston grinned. “I’ll tell you if you all will tell me what it is that makes me instantly jealous I’m not one of your group.”

“That’s easy,” Wren offered. “It’s Ranch magic.”

When Derek chuckled, Jayne rolled her eyes, Moira and Sadie nodded, Jagger and Travis and Moses all exchanged knowing grins, Winston had no doubt there had to be some type of magic involved.

“How about sharing a bit of that magic?” he asked.

“We can do you one better, can’t we, Daddy?” Sadie said with assurance.

“I don’t believe Mr. Wane is interested in swapping with me, angel,” Derek said.

“Sure he is,” Sadie countered. “Well, maybe not a story, but you can use your magic and find him a woman. After all, you run a whole Ranch full of women.”

“Oh, Sadie, Sadie, Sadie,” Jayne moaned.

“What? I’m trying to help here.”

“Maybe, but did you ever stop to think that the way you just tried to ‘help’ has it sounding as if you’re implying Derek is running some type of brothel?”

“A… a brothel? No! I just mean that there are lots of women who look to Daddy to find them a man.”

Time seemed to freeze as her words caught up with her brain and she groaned, dropping her head to the tabletop. Winstonfelt a moment of fear worrying she’d start banging it against the wooden surface, but she lifted it and shook it instead.

“Okay, taking a deep breath here.”

Sadie demonstrated by taking not one but several deep breaths. By the time she was on number four, Winston realized he’d synced his breathing with hers. It appeared he wasn’t the only one, the entire group remaining silent and still.

“Is this where I start to chant?” Winston asked after several more moments.

Sadie’s breath hitched and then she started to giggle. Winston discovered the woman wasn’t only fascinating, she had an infectious laugh. The quietness of the room was soon filled with laughter until people finally had to settle a bit in order to breathe.

“Better?” Winston asked. “And I didn’t think for a moment, well, at least not a long moment, that your Daddy runs a brothel. I’m thinking more along the lines of facilitating the introduction of people who are joined in a common desire of finding a potential partner.”

“What does that mean?” Moira asked.

“I think that’s a fancy way for Mr. Wane to say he considers Derek more of a matchmaker than those madams who found the mail-order brides common when the west was wild,” Jagger explained.

“Exactly!” Sadie looked at her Daddy. “Though you could give any madam back in the day a run for her money. For one thing, you’re much prettier.”