“Thank you, angel,” Derek said, his tone imparting the fact he was a man with infinite patience.

“You’re welcome.” Sadie’s gaze moved to stare across the table, her head at a slight tilt. “Now that we are all on the same page, I think Mr. Winston would like a Little. Who agrees with me?”

Winston wasn’t sure who was more shocked. Himself for finally understanding a bit of the undercurrent that ran through this gathering or the fact that every hand in the room raised. Well, not every hand. The men and Jayne raised only one each, while Sadie, Wren and Moira all raised both of theirs.

“Your Little girl is one smart cookie. If you happen to have any Littles who are in search of a Daddy, I certainly wouldn’t object to meeting them.”

Sadie actually jumped out of her chair with a whoop which drew Wren and even Moira out of theirs and into her circle of happiness, the three dancing in a circle like excited puppies. The only woman not to rise was Jayne who just looked at the trio with a fondness in her eyes that Winston also recognized. This woman wasn’t just a bit sterner than the others. Despite her being wed to Moses, Winston would bet his last dollar she was a Domme. When she caught him looking, her lips curled up and he knew he’d swap stories with her and her Moses any time they wished.



“This is why I chose to open a B&B,” Robyn said.

“What does lunch have to do with your B&B?” Hayleigh asked as she followed behind Robyn in the line.

Robyn looked over at her as if the answer should be obvious. “Because at my place, there will only bebreakfastfood which makes it easy. While here, they offer such a variety it always makes it so hard to choose.” Robyn captured her bottom lip with her teeth as she surveyed the fare spread out before her.

“That makes it more fun, silly. Besides, there’s no reason to choose. You can have it all!” Hayleigh flung her arms wide, almost smacking Robyn in the face. “Sorry. I tend to get a little excited. Especially when mac ’n’ cheese is on the menu.”

Robyn rolled her eyes. “Mac ’n’ cheese has been on the menu every day since I’ve been here.”

Hayleigh laughed. “That’s why I love my Daddy.”

“Pasta and cheese sauce better not be the only reason you love me, jellybean.”

The statement had Hayleigh turning to wrap her arms around the large man who’d walked up behind them. “It’s not, Daddy. I love your dino nuggets too!”

Robyn laughed and accepted a bowl of the chef’s famous dish as well as a plate of chicken nuggets which were, indeed, in the shape of dinosaurs. Eating at the Ranch’s cafeteria never ceased to amaze her. It wasn’t just the food either. It was the atmosphere. The sound of laughter mingled with the clatter of cutlery and clink of dishes. She tried to hide her sigh at the sight of Chef Connor bending to kiss the top of her friend Hayleigh’s head. The couple were just too darn perfectly paired. That didn’t mean she didn’t feel a bit jealous. Then again, coveting the relationship wasn’t the same as wishing anyone ill luck. It just made her wish she’d finally find a Daddy of her own.

“Sorry about that,” Hayleigh said when she caught up with Robyn at the drink station.

“Never apologize for loving someone,” Robyn said as she filled her glass with water. She set the glass on her tray as she continued, “Anyone lucky enough to know exactly who the other half of their heart is should shout it from the tallest mountain, sing it from the rooftops, place a full-page ad in… in theNew York Times!”

“How much do you think that would cost?” Hayleigh asked, filling her own glass.

“A whole lot of…”

“Of what? Are we still talking about nuggets? Not the ones we eat but the golden ones stacked inside Fort Knox?” Hayleigh teased. When no response came, she turned to see Robyn standing frozen. “What’s wrong? Hello? Earth to Robyn.”

When her friend still didn’t answer, Hayleigh followed her gaze to where Master Derek and Sadie were entering with a man Hayleigh hadn’t seen before. She raised her hand to wave,catching Sadie’s attention, pleased when her friend waved back and yelled, “Save us some seats!”

“We will,” Hayleigh assured her but had to bump her hip against Robyn’s as if playing a game of tag. “Consider yourself unfrozen.”

“Huh?” Robyn blinked a few times as if awakening from a dream.

“Exactly what did you put on your tray and can I have some?” Hayleigh asked as the two moved toward one of the large circular tables.

Once Robyn slid onto a chair, she gave a shake of her head as if coming fully awake. She looked down at her tray and then at Hayleigh’s. “We got the same things.”

Hayleigh giggled, dipping her fork into the golden deliciousness that already had her tastebuds dancing in expectation. “I was speaking figuratively, silly. I just want to know what turned you into a statue, though I think I can guess.”

Robyn could feel her face flush but busied herself with biting the head off a stegosaurus instead of answering. She should have known better as Hayleigh only grinned.

“Girl, if you think stuffing your mouth is gonna keep me from finding out the answer, you’ve got another think coming.”

“I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about.” Robyn lifted her napkin to her lips to hide the fact she was talking with her mouth full.