“Was it too much?”
“No, silly. It was just right.” She moved to lean over him. “At the risk of making your head swell, it was absolute perfection.” Her lips covered his and he let his duties as her nurse slide, and instead showed her that he had more than one head capable of swelling.
He made love to her slowly this time. Lazily, taking long moments to kiss down her body from neck to navel, pausing to swirl the tip of his tongue in the small well of her belly button. Every moan, each twitch of a muscle, all the individual goosebumps that popped up on her skin only slowed him further. He wanted to make this last until she was nothing more than a quivering puddle of goo beneath him.
He gave her no orders, asked for nothing. He simply used his body to communicate with hers. A nudge of his knee against her thigh had her legs opening. Turning his hands palms up had her placing hers into his, their fingers instinctively entwining. When his tongue came out to swipe between the lips of her sex, her body arched and her moans told of her pleasure.
She tasted of musk, of sex, of cinnamon and spice and all things nice. Her taste, her scent not only imprinted on his heart, it was as if they were the answer to the call of his soul. He feasted until she cried out her climax and then he rose and slipped into her. Her fingers released his but only to reach out to hold hiships, not to rush or guide him, simply to connect with him as he made love to her. When he felt his balls drawing up, he bent and pressed his lips to hers and when he came, she did as well, each swallowing the other’s cry.
The next time Rooster woke, it was to an unfamiliar sound. “If that foot touches the floor, your ass is toast.”
“I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“But you did mean to disobey me?”
“No, I-I mean, I guess, but, Rooster, you’ve got to be tired. I got you up far too early and you’ve carried me all day long.”
“Little bird, stop. It’s not a chore, it’s a privilege. Now, do you need to potty or are you coming back to bed?”
Robyn sighed. “I need the bathroom, but then I should get back to the B&B. I need to check on the guests and start getting things ready for tomorrow.”
“Then that’s what we’ll do.” He threw back the covers and walked around the bed to pull her naked body up against his.
“I feel like a burden,” she said softly.
“You are a blessing,” he corrected as he carried her into the bathroom.
“Whoa! This is‚—”
“Incredible,” he finished for her. “It would be nice to try out the shower, perhaps our next make-out session.”
“Forget that, turn on the water, Daddy.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He set her down on the toilet with a grin. By the time he heard it flush, he had the water at the perfect temperature. He returned to get her and removed the brace, not wanting to get it wet.
“How does it look?”
“Swollen, but not as much.” He put the brace on the counter before picking her up. “That doesn’t mean you can dance about, it just means I think Nurse MacIntosh was right and you don’t need an x-ray.”
“Whatever you say, Daddy. Now can we get wet?” she asked.
His cock lifted against her hip. “Little bird, keep that up and we’ll never get back to your B&B.”
She giggled, but behaved as they showered, well, until the fact that he’d seated her on the bench and then stood before her had her hand reaching out to draw him to her mouth.
“Do we have time for this, Daddy?” she asked, looking up and batting her eyelashes.
“You’re the one in a hurry,” he said, quirking his eyebrow.
“Those books are right,” she said as her hand slowly ran up his shaft.
“About how a Daddy can arch his eyebrow and it just does something to a Little’s tummy.”
“Just her tummy?” He reached down to run his hand over her wet hair until he brushed his thumb over her lips, loving the soft moan she emitted.
“No, Daddy, to every part of me.”