“Good to know. Now be a good girl and suck Daddy’s cock.”

She smiled and giggled. “What do you know, dirty talk does the same thing.”

Rooster laughed and then groaned when her lips wrapped around his dick.



It was after midnight by the time he pulled his truck into her driveway. When he closed the truck door with his hip, the sound had her wincing.

“Shhhh!” she hissed.

“You own the place, babe. You don’t need to whisper.”

“But I don’t want to wake anyone up,” she said quietly as he climbed the steps of her porch. “Rooster? How do I know there is even anyone here? I mean, what if they are all still out? We can’t lock the door or anything.”

“Robyn, they’ve all got the keycode if they aren’t already sound asleep. And you aren’t running a daycare, you’re running a bed-and-breakfast.”

“Oh, right, but still, let’s be as quiet as possible, okay?”

“Okay,” he whispered back which caused her to giggle.

“I feel like I did when I was a teenager and broke curfew,” she admitted as he entered the keycode to unlock the door and pushed it open, closing it softly behind him.

“Role play. You in a short little skirt and a crop top, frilly little socks and a pair of pink and black sneakers. I like it.”

“Me too.”

If anyone was going to wake up, it would have been at Robyn’s shriek as the voice came out of the darkness.

“Shhhh!” Rooster hissed.

“I’m not the one screaming like a banshee.”

A light flipped on to illuminate a dark head sticking out of a throw that belonged on the back of the couch instead of covering someone sitting in the easy chair by the window.

“Hayleigh, what are you doing here? You scared me half to death.”

“I should be asking you where you’ve been, but since Sadie already informed me, I’d rather ask—did you have fun? I mean, I feel you owe me an answer since you disappeared on me after I told you I’d be coming over.”

“Oh, Hayleigh, I’m so sorry. I totally forgot and?—”

“I don’t care about any of that, I just want to know if you’re as good as I think you are.”

“I’m even better,” Robyn said, then lowered her voice to whisper again, “Rooster is my Daddy now, but we can’t talk about that here.”

Hayleigh nodded, her smile huge. “How about the kitchen? Can we talk there?”

Robyn was about to say no, but Rooster beat her to it.

“You girls can talk and I’ll stand watch. Just know this won’t be an all-night gabfest because you both need to get some sleep.”

“Oh, I’m good. I took a nap and I’ve already checked myself in. Daddy said I could spend the night since Robyn needs help and all.”

“That’s nice. I’ve been telling Rooster he needs a break,” Robyn said.

“Clock’s ticking, girls. You’ve got twenty-nine minutes now before it’s lights out.”