If that growl had been a bit more impressive, she might have been more inclined to consider its meaning. But, since it hadn’t been much more than a whisper as they didn’t want to wake the Littles, she took her time in withdrawing her hand, letting her fingertip tap along his erection. Nowthatpart of him was very impressive indeed.
“Ten, nine?—”
“Okay, okay, give me a second.”
“Eight, seven?—”
“I was just teasing!”
She shoved her hand into his back pocket, not particularly caring that doing so had her brushing against Blake’s leg. The poor thing had joined Lori in sleep before they’d crossed the expanse of the lobby. She hated to disturb him, but when his Daddy started countingbackwardshe knew she really, really didn’t want him to reach zero.
The card wasn’t there. “Are you positive you remembered to even pick up the card? I’m running out of pockets here”
“Or is this all a ploy to have me feel you up?”
Nowthatgrowl was positively delicious. Or perhaps what was luscious was the feel of his taut ass cheek she was sliding her fingers over.
“Did you leave your card in your other shirt when you changed?”
Flashing back, she pictured Gordon when he’d walked into the room with Blake. She’d remembered thinking how much emotional distress her babyboy must have been in because of how wrinkled and soggy Gordon’s shirt?—
Grateful Lori slept like the dead, Beverly slid her hand under the Little’s chest and dipped her fingers into the front pocket of Gordon’s shirt.
“Got it!” Beverly yelled, then froze when both Littles stirred. “Shhhh.” Not sure if the whisper was for the Littles’ benefit or her own, she slowly took a step back, the key card held high as if she were afraid the movement of it stirring the air might cause Littles’ eyes to open.
“Open. The. Door.”
What sort of class does a Dominant attend to learn how to enunciate so crisply, that even when whispering he made each clipped word sound as if it had been shouted?
Amazing how fast a person could move when her very ass depended on it. Beverly swiped the card, pushed through the door, and held it wide open for him to enter.
Once he’d turned sideways and stepped in without knocking one of the Littles against the door frame, she hurried across the suite to the door of the room she’d seen Lori enter when they’d been waiting for Blake’s return. Again she held it wide, and after he was inside with his precious cargo, she realized she should have let him deposit Blake on the couch first.
“Here, give me Lori,” she said as she held up her hands. “I’ll get her tucked in while you lay Blake down on the couch. I’ll find a blanket or?—”
“Babe, stop fussing and look behind you.”
A glance over her shoulder had her lowering her arms. “How did that get in here?”
“Jared,” Gordon said as he moved to the twin bed across from Lori’s crib. “Help me get them settled and we can have a conversation without sounding like serpents hissing at each other.”
Beverly caught her laugh before it became too big and helped take Blake from him. “Shhh, it’s okay. Mommy’s got you. Just sleep.” Blake’s mumble could have been anything, but she took it for agreement. “That’s my good boy.” She didn’t bother to remove anything but his shoes before tucking him beneath the covers.
Lori was lying on the changing table, most probably dreaming of sprinkles as Gordon removed her shoes and socks.
“Since when does Lori wear diapers?” Beverly asked as Gordon lifted the Little’s legs to slide a diaper beneath her.