“Since yesterday. It’s something we both wanted to try and I figured this place was the perfect opportunity to see how we liked it. So far she only wears one to nap. Hand me the cream, please.”
Beverly removed the cap and passed him the diaper cream. As Gordon applied it, she ran her fingers softly over Lori’s arm. The girl had changed so much. Not physically, but in accepting that being Little was what made her feel free. Beverly was so incredibly grateful that Lori and Gordon had found each other again and had now found her.
“I love you, babygirl, sweet dreams,” Bev whispered as she kissed Lori’s cheek. “Oh, wait, stuffies!” She ran out to the living room and grabbed them, passing one to Gordon on her return.
“Huh?” Beverly paused in mid-bend where she’d been about to kiss Blake’s cheek.
“Stuffies, you gave me the wrong one,” Gordon said.
“Oh, right.”
Once the stuffies were tucked in with the correct Little, Beverly stood and looked from one bed to the other. When Gordon slipped his arms around her from behind, she leaned back against his chest.
“Do you have any idea how blessed we are?”
“I do,” Gordon said. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and then led her from the room, softly closing the door behind him.
It might have been years, but the moment she was pulled toward the master bedroom, her body went into “Yes, please” mode. Of course, one should never appear too eager.
Leaning in the opposite direction of the pull didn’t do much as her size was negligible to a man who was capable of carrying the dead weight of two adult-size Littles. But she didn’t really care. They both wanted to reach the same destination, she just wanted to make him work for it a tiny bit.
“What about the paperwork?”
“Why, Sir, how could you have forgotten? You were so adamant all those forms you kept insisting were going to be filled out, signed, stamped with the proper seal of approval, and filed before anything sexy happened?”
“Why, thank you for the reminder, Ms. MacIntosh. I suppose before I begin anything sexy such as getting you naked and beneath me so I can lick every inch of your body and listen to you beg for permission to come, I owe it to you to allow you to complete all the paperwork required.”
When he dropped her hand, she instantly regretted teasing him. Gordon walked past her to rummage in a drawer in the kitchenette. When he caught her watching, he nodded to the table.
“Take a seat.”
“Come on, seriously, there is no reason to fill out any forms.”
“I assure you there is. Rules are rules, after all. Now, please take a seat.”
Huffing, Beverly pulled out one of the chairs and sat. Instead of wasting time, she should already be naked beneath the man who was busy doing only god knows what. All she could do wasmentally drum her fingers on the table and wait. When he held out a pen in front of her, she managed not to snatch it out of his fingers, but just barely.
“Is there a problem?”
Not one she was going to admit. The man’s head, both the one on his shoulders and the one causing the bulge beneath his trousers, were big enough already. He didn’t need his ego fed by her admitting the very sound of his voice, the tone he used when addressing her and the unwavering focus of those steel-gray eyes on her were the problem. Her nipples were tightening and her panties dampening. Well, they would be if she were wearing any. When Erika had thoughtfully brought her a change of clothing, Bev exchanged her uniform for a lightweight rust-colored sweater and a brown pleated skirt. She’d had one foot in a fresh pair of panties before remembering Gordon’s preference. Beverly had pulled her foot free, folded the thong and tucked it into the uniform’s pocket, leaving her sans undies. Which meant that instead of hoping her panties could contain any evidence of her arousal from forming a big wet spot on the back of her skirt, she had to rely on squeezing her thighs together.
“Nope, no problem here.”
“Good to know.”
As Gordon pulled out another chair, Beverly noticed that where there had been just two around the table before, there were now four. “Did you ask Jared to bring more chairs too?”
“Of course. There are four of us now. We needed to double everything.”
“That was incredibly thoughtful of you, Gordon. I shouldn’t have teased—” Her words were cut off when he slapped a thick yellow legal pad down in front of her. Numbers had been printed in the left margin, three blank lines left between each one. The bottom of the page ended at the number ten. “Good grief, how many questions are we answering?”
“Just a hundred.”
“Are you freaking kidding!” She stared at him from across the table. “Gordon, answering a hundred questions is going to take at least an hour.”