“Nothing!” she shouted, slamming the door closed. At the sight of his raised eyebrow, she hurried to drag his attention away from the door. “Let’s try that one.” Pointing back across the living room, she dodged around him and grabbed the doorknob. Sending a prayer out to the universe, she cautiously turned the knob and gingerly stuck her head inside the room. Relief flooded through her as she spotted a bed.
“I found it!” She gave a surprised squeak when she turned to find her Daddy right behind her.
His hand reached in to flip on the light as he gently nudged her further into the room.
“Wow, that’s a big bed!” Lori said as she took in the king-size bed. Four thick wooden posts marked its corners, rising almost to the ceiling. The mattress was so high she’d either have touse a stool to climb into bed, take a running start and hope she jumped high enough, or ask her Daddy to help her up.
“All the better to share with my wiggly Little girl,” Gordon said.
“I’m not wiggly!” she protested.
“You most certainly are. You’re as wiggly as those worms you got for Master Jared.”
Lori huffed but smiled at the memory of Daddy’s friend eating the worm just like a big fish would. “What’s in there?” she asked, pointing to another door.
“Only one way to find out.” Her Daddy opened the door and his whistle had her attempting to push past him to see, but he easily blocked her entrance with a simple shift of his body. “If you think the bed is big, look at the size of that tub.”
No amount of pushing or prodding could move his bulk from blocking the doorway. “Daddy, I can’t see. Move!”
Gordon moved, but not as she’d expected. Instead of stepping out of the way, he wagged his hips from side to side, causing her to giggle.
“See,you’rethe wiggly one!” When his hips next swung right, she darted to his left. Her cry of victory morphed into an astonished “Oh!” as she saw the tub. Forget it being too cold to swim outside. She was pretty sure she could do a few laps in this pool.
“Looks like Master Derek is a believer in conservation. Think of all the water we’ll save by bathing together.”
Lori felt tingles running through her at the thought. She was just about to ask him to join her right now, but then she saw the large marble-walled stall which stood separate from the huge tub. Pointing, she said, “Or showering together.”
They both took in the sight of the huge showerhead hanging from the ceiling. “It will be like standing in the rain,” Gordon said. A huge grin appeared as he gestured to the various showerwands on the walls. “I’m thinking we are going to be one very clean Daddy and Little during our stay, what do you think?”
Lori was thinking all kinds of things, some that included her being seated or kneeling on that very wide bench against the shower stall’s wall while her Daddy was doing dirty, delicious things to her body, but wasn’t about to admit having such naughty thoughts. All she could do was nod and give him a rather breathless, “Yes, Daddy. It’s… it’s…”
It was as if he could read her very thoughts as his eyebrow lifted and waggled, his smile a bit lecherous as he reached out toward her, his fingers flexing. “It’s like a water park, but one for naked people.”
Gordon laughed. “What? You don’t expect to shower in your pretty dress do you?” His question was asked as he bent down, his fingers curling as he reached out, causing her to shriek at the contact as he began to tickle her sides. “Though I suppose that would save on the cost of doing laundry.”
She was giggling too hard to care about laundry, squirming in an attempt to escape the tickle bug.
“There’s my little worm,” he said, picking her up and tossing her into the air.
Lori gasped but wasn’t truly scared. She remembered when they’d first met, she’d been in awe of the pure size of him. He stood over a foot taller than she and was stronger than anyone she’d ever known. The first time he’d thrown her above his head as easily as if she weighed no more than a feather, she’d been terrified, and yet never once had he ever come close to letting her fall.
When once again he caught her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and sighed, laying her head on his chest. “I love you, Daddy.”
“I love you more,” he said as he stroked his fingers through her curls, gently detangling them.
It felt so good, she closed her eyes, enjoying each long pull. When she felt herself going from vertical to horizontal, she opened them to discover they’d left the bath and Daddy had laid her on the changing table.
“And you said you’re not sleepy,” he teased as he took her shoes off, setting them aside before sliding his hands up beneath her dress to slip his fingers into the waistband of her tights. “Lift up.” Once she had, he pulled the tights down and off.
Lori felt a shiver running through her when instead of sitting her up to unbutton her dress, he not only pulled her panties down, but removed them completely. When he stepped back a moment and reached beneath where she lay, she had a very good idea of what he was doing. At the sight of the diaper in his hand, she swallowed hard. Her Daddy gave her a long look, offering her the time to utter her safe word, but something held her back.
She thought back t0 when she’d first learned that the kink wasn’t abnormal. She’d taken classes, learned that people played as Littles of a whole range of “ages”. The infant, non-verbal age didn’t appeal to her. She was more interested in the toddler age—able to communicate, but still having the majority of decisions made for her. She for sure wasn’t a Middle—she learned she had no interest in being that close to adulthood.
She’d been a bit disconcerted when she’d found out her punishments had changed as her chosen age dropped. Now when she was naughty, instead of receiving a spanking while bent over the arm of the couch or the foot of her bed as she had as a submissive, he drew her over his lap where she had to trust him to keep her from falling while he blistered her behind. When she’d pointed out she was too little to write out lines, he’d taught her she was exactly the right age to sit on a naughty chair with her nose in the corner.
She’d been pretty sure she didn’t want to go younger than about three or four, but allowing her Daddy to diaper her would involve an even deeper intimacy. But, if she didn’t at least give herself and her Daddy the opportunity to experience what it would be like to regress further, how would they ever know if it fit them or not? Besides, she could always call out her safe word.