“Can we start with just wearing one to nap? You know, for me to get more used to the idea?”
“We certainly can,” her Daddy assured her. “I’m proud that you’re brave enough to give this a try.”
The smile on her Daddy’s face made her happy she’d decided to give being a littler Little a try. Lori basked in his praise and lifted her hips to allow the diaper to be slid beneath her bottom. When her Daddy carefully ran a wipe over her privates, making sure to clean all her little creases and folds, she shivered. Once she was clean, he squeezed ointment onto his fingers and retraced his path, explaining to her that the cream being applied was to keep her body from developing a rash.
Lori squirmed when his finger dropped to rub against her bottom-hole.
“What’s the matter, babygirl?”
The location of his finger’s attention along with his explanation and question gave an entirely different definition to the words “intimate care”. Before she could think of how she’d be able to askthatquestion, it became moot when his finger returned to slide along the seam of her sex. Her body instantly knew how to respond tothattouch. Her nipples tightened and an ache began between her legs.
“Ah, you’re trembling. We can’t have you catching cold now, can we?”
By the grin on his face as he pulled the diaper up to fasten it around her waist, she knew he was well aware she hadn’t been cold at all. The diaper’s thickness between her legs felt strange,and the slight crinkly sound as he pulled her into a sitting position had her face turning hot.
She reached behind her for her stuffy, but she wasn’t there. “Daddy, I can’t find Fauna.”
“Babygirl, she’s already waiting in your princess crib. How about we get you into your jammies and you can join her for a proper nap.”
She should have known he’d have made sure she wouldn’t be all alone in that crib, but still, she couldn’t help but say, “We’d sleep better if you napped with us, Daddy.”
“Babygirl, as much as I’d love to crawl into that princess crib with you and Fauna, I’m afraid it’s not big enough for three.”
“Your bed is,” she suggested. “It’s big enough for a whole store of stuffies!”
“Ah, I suppose Erika told you there is a store downstairs?”
“No, but Luna pointed it out to me. She said it’s like Mary Poppins’ carpet bag. Once it’s open, it’s bottomless and has all sorts of things for Bigs and Littles.”
“Sounds like we will need to go shopping. But Little girls who want to go on a shopping spree, need to nap without distractions.” Before she could think of an argument, he had her dress off and had bent down to press his lips to her belly to blow a raspberry against her skin. The sound made her giggle while the vibration had what her Daddy called her kitty throbbing beneath her diaper.
“You really are cold,” he said, reaching for the nightgown he’d pulled from her suitcase.
“No, I’m not.”
“You could have fooled me. You can’t seem to sit still.” His eyebrow arched and his voice softened. “If you need to go potty, use your diaper. That is why Daddy put you in one.”
She didn’t see the need to inform him she had no intention of actuallyusingthe diaper. Instead she just said, “I’m not cold and I don’t need to potty.”
Her Daddy’s forehead furrowed. “Are you sure? You shivered and your nips are…” Understanding dawned, his forehead smoothed, and he smiled. “Let’s think about this for a moment.” He held out a hand curled into a fist before popping one finger up. “Wiggling for no reason”—a second finger popped up—“your nips hard as little pebbles”—finger number three joined the party—“your eyes are a bit glassy”—his little finger lifted—“your sweet face is flushed so prettily. I think I know why my girl is squirmy. She’s horny. Am I right?”
“Daddy!” She never failed to blush hotter and admonish him for saying such things.
“Don’t leave your Daddy hanging,” he said, the hand he’d used now waiting in mid-air.
“You’re so silly,” she said, smiling as she slapped her palm against his.
Gordon chuckled. “And you’re just so adorable when you’re all hot and bothered.”
She thought she couldn’t be all that adorable when instead of doing anything about it, he pulled the gown over her head and scooped her up before moving to the crib and lowering her to lie beside the stuffy he’d placed inside. Lori couldn’t fault the mattress as it was like sinking into a cloud. The linens smelled like roses and were not only soft but were her favorite color. After tucking Fauna into her arms, Daddy pulled the pink sheet up to her chin, tucking it around her until she felt like her bottom wasn’t the only part of her being swaddled.
He wound up the mobile which started to play a tune and rotate. He bent to kiss her forehead. “You and Fauna have fun in dreamland, sweetpea.”
“You won’t leave me alone?”
“I’ll just be in the other room. I’ll hear you if you call out.”
“And you’ll come?”