“You are staying with me. I only meant we are lucky to have two rooms. One just for my special babygirl, and one for Daddy.” Before she could protest, he added, “Which we will share. However, just like at home, naps will be taken in your own room.”
Not completely appeased, Lori remained quiet as he led her across the living area and opened a door to a room. It wasn’t like any room she’d ever seen in any of the hotels they’d stayed in before. This wasn’t really aroom, it was more like a palace. The walls were the softest of pinks, the furniture white with green vines and flowers painted on their surfaces. She could even spot a little bumblebee sitting on the petal of a daisy. There was a large rocker in one corner, big enough for both her and her Daddy. A shelf on one wall held some books and a few games she couldn’t wait to play with her Daddy. Her head swiveled to take in the rest of the furnishings.
Instead of a tall dresser, there was a wide bureau. The surface of the piece wasn’t wood. A thick pad stretched from one end to the other and the sight of O-rings at each corner had her breath catch in her throat. She snuck a glance up at her Daddy to seeif he’d noticed that attached to each ring was a length of leather that ended in a cuff. His smile told her he most definitely had, or perhaps he was smiling at the sight of what could only be diapers folded and stacked neatly on the shelf beneath the mat. Her bladder clenched even as she wondered what the drawers below the shelf might contain.
Lori tore her gaze away only to feel her mouth dropping open at the sight of an actual crib instead of the twin bed found in her room at home. “It’s a… a real crib,” she muttered softly.
“Isn’t it pretty?”
She couldn’t deny it was. It was a bed made for a princess. Well, that was if said princess didn’t mind the fact that, again, each corner had a ring where the occupant could be put into restraints. Tilting her head back, she looked up. A pink canopy dropped from the ceiling, the fabric held back by ribbons with tiny flowers on them. If released, she could see how the fabric would fall together to form an enclosure around the entire crib. She imagined the occupant would feel as if they were secreted in their own little palace turret. A mobile hung above the thick mattress, fairytale creatures ready to sway and capture a Little’s attention as she fell asleep.
“How do you like your room?”
Lori looked up at him. “It’s not a room, Daddy, it’s a nursery.”
“A beautiful nursery, perfect for my very own Little princess,” Daddy said. “But you didn’t answer. Do you like it?”
Lori couldn’t help but give a nod, following it by a shake so that her head made a complete rotation, causing her Daddy’s eyebrow to arch.
“I’m afraid you’re going to have to explain that to me. Was that a yes or a no?”
“Both. It’s very nice, but”—she pointed to two things—“that is a changing table and the bed is a crib.”
“I know. Aren’t they nice?”
“But, Daddy, there are… um, diapers.” This last word was practically a whisper.
“I can see. They help make your nursery so special.”
Lori thought the rocking chair and games served that purpose. “You’re going to diaper me?”
He didn’t instantly answer, instead, he bent to pick her up and once she wrapped her legs around him to straddle his waist, he looked into her eyes. “I thought we decided that you’d like to try being a littler Little. This is the perfect place for you to be able to explore the dynamic.”
She felt her face heating but didn’t deny the conversations they’d shared about regression. “And the cuffs? You’re going to restrain me?”
“Perhaps I will if I think it will help you, or if you decide to test your Daddy.” When her mouth opened, he pressed a fingertip against her lips. “And we both know it won’t be the first time, don’t we?”
“No, but?—”
“Babygirl, remember all you have to do is safeword and Daddy will stop whatever we are doing and talk about what is frightening you.”
Lori felt some of the tension dissipating, her body relaxing against his. He was right. She had a safe word. It had taken her a long time to believe it worked, that a single word could stop a man, a very large man, from doing whatever he wanted to her. But it had. Each and every single time she’d called outRed,he’d simply… stopped. It was a magical word, and speaking it was as if she’d waved a magic wand.
“Okay, thank you for reminding me, Daddy.”
“You’re welcome, babygirl.” He bent to kiss her forehead. “Let’s get you unpacked, changed and tucked in.”
For some reason, the word took on an entirely new meaning when one was staring at an actual table built specifically for the purposes ofchanging.
Dragging her eyes from the table, she said, “But I want to see your room, Daddy.”
“Silly me, of course you do. Our tour wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t.” He set her back on her feet and gestured toward the door they’d entered. “Think you can find a room for your Daddy?”
“Yes!” Lori ran past him and out the door. Hoping his room wasn’t far away, she tried the door next to her room only to discover it wasn’t his room. In fact, it wasn’t a room at all. Shelves lined the interior and were filled with item after item. Some she’d never seen before, others were ones she’d seen in the club she went to with her Daddy. Paddles of all shapes and sizes laid on one shelf while a crop that really should be in the barn she’d seen outside hung from a hook beside a cane that had her buttocks clenching tightly.
“What have you found?”