“No, that’s Luna. She’s a service submissive and helps out at the desk. I hate to break up their little party, but I need to grab Erika for a video conference that starts in a few minutes. When Moses told me you’d arrived, we both wanted to come meet you and your Lori. How about you bring her over to the Big House for supper tonight? Jared, you and Erika come as well. That will give your Lori a chance to meet my Sadie and give us Bigs an opportunity to talk more.”

“Sounds good,” Jared said. “I’ll get Gordon and Lori settled into their room and let them rest, but we’ll see you tonight.”

After shaking Gordon’s hand again, Derek left them to approach the desk. Erika spoke to him and Gordon watched as the man hunched down to meet Lori.

“I hope your boss isn’t easily offended,” Gordon said. “Lori doesn’t cotton much to strangers, especially men, s…—well, I’ll be damned.”

Jared laughed. “I don’t think there is a Little on this planet who doesn’t cotton to Derek Hawkins. Even when he finds it necessary to roast a Little’s butt, they adore the guy. He has some sort of magical touch that is truly unbelievable.”

“I’d say so,” Gordon said, watching as Derek spun the chair Lori was sitting in, hearing the peals of her giggles all the way across the lobby as the two walked over to join them.

Derek and Erika excused themselves, both promising to see them soon.

“That’s Master Derek,” Lori said. “He’s a real cowboy and said I can ride a pony any time I want to! Can we go pet the ponies, Daddy?”

“Not right now,” Gordon said. “We need to get settled into our room and you, young lady, need a nap.”

“But I’m not sleepy!”

“It’s a rule, babygirl.” He could see Lori trying to decide if throwing a fit would work. To save her time, he added, “And what does breaking a rule earn you?”

Her sweet face flushed hotly. “I guess I can sleep.”

“I guess you can, but that doesn’t answer Daddy’s question.” When his Little shot looks at both Luna and Jared, Gordon knew she was practically begging him not to make her answer. But like he’d told Jared, she was well aware her Daddy was very much a Dom.

“Lori? Does Daddy need to give you a reminder?”

“No!” Evidently she was aware she’d said the word a bit too loudly as her face grew redder. Lowering the volume, she whispered, “Ouchies.”

“What sort of ouchies?” Not for the first time he wondered if there was anything cuter than watching a Little squirm, torn between embarrassment and arousal.

“Bootie ouchies, Daddy.” Big eyes the color of spring grass shone as they looked up at him, her cheeks flushed, her lips slightly parted.

“That’s my good girl,” Gordon said. “Thank you.”

She smiled and slumped a bit in relief before suddenly sitting up straight again. She held up a bag. “Oh, I got you gummy bears. I know you don’t like the red ones, but I can eat those for you.”

Pretty sure the color red would represent the majority of his bag’s contents, he smiled. “Thanks, sweetie. That is very nice of you. I’ll save them for later, and if you are my very good Little girl, I’ll even pick out the red ones and save them for you.”

Lori held out her other hand. “Master Jared, you get worms.”

Jared gave a look of exaggerated delight, rubbing his hands together. “How did you know that I have a fondness for nice, fat, juicy worms?” he asked as he ripped the bag open and drew out a long worm. “Looks yummy.”

Lori looked fascinated as Jared threw his head back and dangled the worm above his open mouth, making it wiggle quite realistically. While Lori giggled, and confessed they weren’trealworms, Gordon introduced himself to Luna and accepted the key cards she offered as well as her welcome to Rawhide.

“Your Little girl is really a sweetheart,” Luna said.

“She is that,” Gordon agreed. He lowered his voice and added, “But fair warning, if she gets overly tired, all bets are off.”

Luna laughed. “She’ll fit right in then.”

Waiting until Jared chewed and swallowed, Gordon scooped Lori up. “Let’s find our room, shall we? I hear it is very nice.”

Lori waved to her new friends and Gordon had to wonder if that magic Jared spoke of included everyone on the Ranch. If so, he couldn’t wait to see what else Rawhide had to offer.

