“He is. Did he tell you we have a big basket of goodies for our Little guests to choose from?”
Jared gave an exaggerated moan as Lori shook her head.
Erika sighed. “I didn’t think so. How about we go pick one out while these guys get reacquainted.”
Her question had Lori looking back at him and Gordon smiled. “Would you like that?”
Lori took a moment to consider. “You won’t go far?”
“Nope. I’ll be right over there.” He pointed to a pair of chairs in front of a huge fireplace. “You’ll be able to see me the entire time.”
Looking at the three gathered around her, Lori nodded. “Do you want me to pick a treat for you too?”
“That would be nice.” Kissing her cheek, he set her back on her feet and gently adjusted her dress that had twisted a bit when he picked her up. “Be a good girl now.”
“Okay, Daddy,” she said, taking the hand Erika offered and then turned to look at Master Jared. “I’ll bring you one too.”
“I’d be honored, Miss Lori,” Jared said, giving her a little bow.
The two men watched as Erika led Lori over to the counter of the check-in desk. The pair made quite the sight. Both were petite, and while both submitted to their chosen partners, Erika was not a Little. Her brown hair was short, the pixie cut suiting her perfectly. The white blouse and sleek, A-line skirt, and heels she wore attested to the fact she took her responsibilities of helping to keep Rawhide Ranch running smoothly to heart. Hereasy smile and friendly demeanor went a long way in making sure every single guest felt welcome.
Lori’s blonde mane hung to her waist, its weight held back from her face with a large pink bow. Her pink dress’s impressive poufiness was aided by the tulle petticoat beneath it. White tights and shiny, black Mary Janes completed her outfit. Gordon watched Erika swing her newest guest’s hand as they walked away, knowing Lori had just made a friend.
“Seems we have alotto catch up on,Daddy,” Jared said.
Gordon chuckled. “It’s still Gordon to you.” Looking around, he said, “Damn, you’ve got a really nice office.”
Jared slapped his friend on the back and the two walked across the lobby to settle into a pair of leather-covered chairs. Gordon turned his slightly to make sure Lori could see him if she chanced to look around. He was very pleased to see she seemed quite occupied with carefully looking through a rather large basket which he gathered held the treats Erika had offered.
“Erika seems great,” Gordon said.
“Sheisgreat,” Jared affirmed. “Helping Derek run this place makes her feel fulfilled. With the way we continue to grow, I keep watching for signs of burnout.”
Gordon laughed. “I wouldn’t hold my breath. From what you’ve shared, that woman blossomed and came into her own here. As small as she is, I’m betting she would tear the head off anyone who tried to suggest she’s not capable of doing it all. And, my friend, that includes you.”
Jared smiled but shook his head. “She could try but as right as you are about others, Erika knows I’m not only her husband, I’m her Dom. Even headless, I’d make sure she couldn’t sit comfortably for a week if she ever tried.” He glanced from the counter back to Gordon. “Speaking of which, was it that little demo I gave on paddles that had you change your mind and go from Dominant to Daddy?”
“In your case, I believe smartassis the better adjective.” Both chuckled before Gordon continued, “Actually, it just sort of developed. You never met her, but do you remember Barbara?”
“Of course, not only did you speak of her quite often, but I do believe she was the reason you moved to Texas.”
“She was a huge part of it, as was the job offer I received. Anyway, after we’d been living together for a couple of years, I was assigned the case which brought Lori into our lives. We all three connected on a pretty intense level. When Lori discovered I was a Dom, she tried to convince Barbara and me as well as herself that she was a submissive. It didn’t take very long before she admitted something was missing, but she wasn’t sure what. Barbara put her in some classes at our club and she came away a Little. You should have seen Lori when she realized Littles could have both a Dominant Uncleandan Auntie B.” He paused as memories played like a film in his mind. “By the time Uncle became Daddy, I would have been anything she needed.”
Jared nodded, his head swiveling to look at the women again. “Yeah. Here we are, big-ass men thinking we rule the world, when it really is the women who choose us simply letting usthinkwe do.”
“True enough, but don’t let them know that. Lori has me wound around her little finger already. She doesn’t need any more leverage oryoutelling her any more stories. I might not be so magnanimous if the next time I have to put Lori across my knees and roast her ass, she feels the need to remind me Master Jared thinks I’m a wuss.”
“Who’s a wuss?”
The friends looked to see who’d spoken.
Derek Hawkins chuckled when Jared and Gordon both pointed at each other. “Well, that certainly clears that up.” Holding his hand out, he addressed Gordon. “Derek Hawkins, and I’m guessing you are the elusive Gordon Sheffield?”
“You guess correctly,” Gordon said, shaking Derek’s hand. “Jared’s been expounding the virtues of your Ranch for years now. I’m very glad to be able to bring Lori and come see for myself.” He nodded across the lobby where Lori was sitting on a chair, her hands waving in the air as she told some story to Erika. “That’s Lori. She’s my Little girl. She was a bit leery of visiting someplace unknown, but by the looks of her now, I’d say she is already having a good time.”
“Wait until she meets my Sadie and all the other Littles. You might regret coming as your Little might not want to ever leave.”
Gordon smiled. He knew how long it had taken his Little to feel secure enough to even talk to strangers. If Rawhide Ranch helped her to feel brave enough to accept that all the things she craved, even if they were different from those of the vanilla world, were perfectly normal in theirs, he might not want to leave himself. “I look forward to introducing her to your Sadie. Is that her?” he asked as a young woman with turquoise hair joined Erika and Lori at the desk.