Tay smiled and assured both Littles they were pretty sure there were enough cherries to go around.
“You know, like spankings,” Gordon injected.
Blake might have slid beneath the table if Lori and their Mommy didn’t just roll their eyes.
Lori ordered the mac ’n’ cheese and dino nuggets after again leaving it up to Blake as to what was the bestest thing to eat. He ordered the same and when he saw his new Daddy hesitating, he offered, “I’ll share a bite of my mac ’n’ cheese with you.”
“Why thank you, buddy. In that case, how about I share a meatball with you?”
“That’ll be great!” Blake proclaimed and only gave a small wince when his enthusiastic bounce reminded him of the last thing his Daddy had shared with him.
It wasn’t like he’d not been spanked before. He’d even had a guy or two smack his ass when they’d scened at the club. But the moment his Daddy took a seat on that chair in the bedroom and called him to him, Blake knew they weren’t there to play. He’d gone to stand before his Daddy only to have him reach out and pull him closer to stand between his spread legs.
“Since we haven’t yet filled out new forms on what our limits are, is there anything about spankings that is a hard limit for you that I should know about?”
Blake considered stating that spankings were on his list but since he’d basically just demanded his Daddy give him one, that would be rather stupid on his part. Not to mention it would be a lie easily uncovered if his Daddy decided to double check that with his Mommy. He was pretty positive his Mommy would not only rat him out, she’d wash his mouth out with a bar of soap for telling a fib.
“No, Sir,” he said with a sigh that had his Daddy’s lip quirk.
“Then, I just need one last thing before we begin…”
Figuring he knew what it was and needed to get this show on the road before he chickened out, Blake unbuttoned his jeans and was in the process of pulling down the zipper when his Daddy’s hand covered his.
“That’s part of my job, Little boy.”
“But I can do it.”
“I have no doubt you can, but I’m one of those Daddies who believe that having to stand before me and wait for me to unfasten your clothing and bare your bottom, adds another facet to the lesson. Do you want to know what that is?”
Blake wasn’t too sure whether he did or not. On one hand, it would keep him from guessing the wrong thing and being embarrassed, but on the other hand… wait. Looking up, he said, “Because it is embarrassing having to wait for your Daddy to do it and it makes you have to think about why he’s undressing you? Though, you’d have to already know that he wasn’t getting you naked because he wanted to have sex–”
O. M. G. I can’t believe I just said that! Out loud! Where Daddy had no chance to unhear it.
Blake’s face burned as he wished the floor would just open up and swallow him whole. He would never ever be able to lookthis man in the face again. He could live a million years and still would be embarrassed any time he looked at his Daddy. That was if he still even wanted to be his Daddy. He probably wanted to be the one running from…
All thoughts flew out of Blake’s head when he was lifted off his feet and seated on his Daddy’s lap. Not facedown over it, but straddling it with his face being cradled in his Daddy’s large hands. Not only that, but his Daddy was… waskissing him!
It wasn’t a peck on the lips either. It was a full press of Daddy’s mouth against his and every cell in Blake’s body took notice. When one of his Daddy’s hands slid behind his head, fingers tugging slightly on Blake’s curls as Daddy changed the angle, Blake simply melted. He’d never in his life experienced a kiss like this. His Mommy’s lips were so soft even when she kissed him hard. His Daddy’s lips, they were like steel covered in velvet and the moment his tongue slid along the seam of Blake’s lips, he opened his mouth and moaned when his Daddy’s tongue slipped inside. His head spun, his body tingled, his cock attempted to snap to attention but the fact he still had his jeans on prevented that from happening. By the time he heard a whimper and realized it was coming from him, Blake felt like he’d stopped being a Little boy and was now nothing but a puddle of goo.
It took him a good long moment to realize his Daddy had pulled back. Not far, just enough to smile as Blake took in a big breath.
“Better?” Daddy asked.
Speechless, Blake could only nod.
“More importantly, does that prove to you that you have no reason to be embarrassed? That while this session isn’t going to end in us having sex, that is because we are here for a different reason. I don’t believe in rewarding a Little with sex after having to redden their bottom. That’s not to say that therewon’t be times when I take you to teach you that you aren’t in control. If you find my cock up your bottom after I’ve roasted it, I guarantee it is not going to be pleasurable for you. Is that clear?”
Blake was pretty sure his room in hell was even now being prepared because while he nodded and managed, “uh huh,” all he was actually thinking about was how it would feel to be beneath this man. Dropping his eyes to where his legs straddled his Daddy’s he swallowed hard wondering how it would feel to have his Daddy’s cock sliding into him, knowing the hands that had just reddened his rump were dragging those hot cheeks apart and…
“Blake, look at me.”
The order had Blake blinking to erase the vision and blushing when he realized exactly where he’d been staring. He lifted his head and focused on his Daddy’s eyes.
“Since you did not give me a proper answer, let me clarify. If your punishment includes such a session, the only one who will be deriving any pleasure, the only one who will climax will be me. You’ll be left with a hot bottom, an ass full of Daddy’s hot cum, and a cock that is locked in a cage. Now, do you get the picture?”
Blake most certainly did. Gulping, he said, “Ye-yes, Sir.”
His Daddy didn’t speak for a long moment, as if to make sure Blake was on the same page as he.