“I do, I promise,” Blake assured him.

“Good. Now, as I was saying, no sex after a spanking does not mean we won’t cuddle. I will definitely hold you and cuddle you until you remember that while your bottom is burning, you are very loved.”

Blake’s soul drank up every word as if he hadn’t seen a drop of water in a year. Somehow, that single kiss had made the embarrassment disappear. He wasn’t sure how that couldhappen, but then, it had been one really heck of a kiss. Still, a kiss couldn’t be defined as…

“Little boy, stop thinking so hard. There is nothing for you to attempt to analyze or wonder about. If you want to ask a question, then just ask. I can hear the gears in your head turning almost loud enough to drown out the rumbling in your belly.”

Blake smiled and relaxed. “Okay, Daddy, it’s just all a bit new.”

“It is and it isn’t,” Daddy said. “You’ve had a relationship for a year with your Mommy and you told me you’ve played with men. But I do agree that while not new, this is different in that you and I are just starting to build our own connections. In time, you’ll know what to expect and again, if you ever aren’t sure of something, just ask.”

“We will have sex soon though, right? And I don’t mean… um… what you said.” Before his Daddy could answer, Blake blurted, “Not that I don’t want that, well, some of that, but I would kinda like to… um, you know.”

With his Daddy’s lifted brow and tilt of his head, Blake sighed.

Daddy isn’t a mind reader. Got it.

“I’d like to come too. I mean, if that’s all right… if we have fun sex.”

Instead of berating him for asking such a forthright question and then babbling until the original question was basically moot, his Daddy nodded. “I would like to make you come when we have fun sex. Just remember, that will not be until?—”

“I know, you spank me,” Blake said, scooting back so he could climb off his Daddy’s lap.

“Well, I was going to say until we’ve completed new forms and I’ve received your consent?—”

“You’ve got that, my consent, I mean. As for forms, I really don’t have anything new, but I’ll fill them out.”

His Daddy smiled. “Thank you. In that case, I suppose all that’s left is for me to blister your bottom.”

Even as his Daddy unzipped his pants and tugged them down, even after his Power Ranger briefs were lowered and his erection popped out like some sort of demented jack-in-the-box—even then Blake didn’t feel the need to run. But he did have one last thing to say.

“You don’t really need toblisterit, Daddy. I’ve already learned my lesson.”

“Oh, I’m sure you’d like to think so,” Daddy said as he turned Blake to the side and guided him down across his knees. “But just as I tell your sister, I’m a firm believer that having a red-hot bottom helps one remember that lesson.”

The first smack of his Daddy’s hand had Blake yelping in surprise. He’d noticed–and admired–his Daddy’s size. But somehow, he hadn’t connected that with the size and strength of Daddy’s paddle-like hands. By the tenth smack he was kicking his legs and attempting to push himself off his Daddy’s lap until Daddy’s leg over his kept them from kicking up. When he was instructed to place his hands behind his back, and he felt his Daddy take both of his hands inoneof his, he knew that he’d remember this lesson for as long as he lived. Or at least until the next time…

Blake startled and jerked a little when something touched his arm. He’d been reliving what had happened in the bedroom, he’d totally forgotten he was in the restaurant. He looked from the small hand on his arm to where Lori was seated.

“What’s the matter? Are you okay?” Blake asked softly.

“Me? I’m fine. You’re the one who looks like you’re worlds away. I just want to say I’m sorry about your bottom. Daddy is really good at giving bootie ouchies.”

More like probably holds the world record in that department.

“Are there Olympic categories for spanking?”


“Oh, nothing.” Blake hadn’t meant to voice that thought. “I was just saying my sore butt is my own fault,” he said nobly. “If you want to be sorry about something, how about the pinch you gave me?” He rubbed at the spot on his forearm. She was a tiny thing but, man, she had some really strong fingers.

Lori actually seemed to be considering it, but in the end, she shook her head. “Nope. You said I could and the pinch was for scaring me. The punch was for scaring Mommy.”

Well, when he thought of it that way, he guessed he could forgive her.

The food was as delicious as he remembered, and when his Daddy accepted a spoonful of his mac ’n’ cheese and rolled his eyes, rubbed his stomach, and moaned, “Just call me Lisa,” all at the same time, lemonade spewed from Blake’s nose as he burst out laughing and then started choking.

Gordon quickly stood and pulled Blake from his chair to bend him forward. Blake’s attempt to breathe was greatly hampered by the pounding of his Daddy’s hand on his back.