Beverly couldn’t believe she saw what she had, but when Blake gave a very loud yelp, followed by, “Hey, I said a pinchora punch, not both!” she understood she was witnessing her two Littles becoming siblings.
Climbing off him, Lori swiped her hands together to telegraph she believed she’d taken care of the issue between them before she marched back to Gordon. “Your turn, Daddy. But don’t spank him too hard because it’s sorta our fault too for not making sure he knew we wanted him. Oh, and don’t spank a long time because I heard his tummy talking too.”
Beverly bit back her laugh as she observed Gordon looking totally flummoxed. It was a sight she’d never seen and one she hoped to witness again and again. Their Littles were definitely going to keep life entertaining. Holding out her hand, she gestured to Lori to come join her. Once Lori was on her lap, Beverly put her feet up on the ottoman and added her two cents worth, “You heard our girl, pick up the pace, please.”
“You two just keep at it,” Gordon said, pointing a shaking finger at them. “There’s plenty of spanks to go around.”
“You better give me mine first, or else I might die of starvation.”
“We certainly can’t have that, now can we?”
Beverly and Lori witnessed Gordon extending his hand to Blake who was still lying on the floor. Instead of helping him to his feet though, the pull continued even after Blake was standing, until her Little boy found himself slung over his Daddy’s shoulder. As the two disappeared into the master bedroom, Lori and Beverly looked from the closing door to each other.
“Wow, did you see that? Daddy is really strong,” Lori said. “He’s kinda like a giant.”
Standing five inches over six feet, and weighing at least twice what she did, Gordon was indeed a large man. Add in the fact he made it a point to keep the same physique that had earned him a full football scholarship in college, and she supposed he could be a little intimidating, but never to anyone he cared about.
“Yes, but he is our gentle giant.” Beverly had always known Blake sometimes had difficultyfeeling “Little” when he was larger than his Mommy. Seeing how effortlessly Gordon had tossed him over his shoulder made her smile. Gordon’s pure physicality would go a long way in helping their Little boy feel small. “I must say I’m happier than a clam.”
“What does that even mean?” Lori asked.
“Well, it comes from the phrasehappier than a clam at high tide.”
“Is that supposed to clear it up?”
Beverly laughed. “No, I suppose not unless you know that clams love when the tide is high because it conceals their hiding places and they feel safe and calm. They know the water isdeeper and they won’t be picked up and eaten. You know, they’re happier.”
Lori nodded. “That makes sense…”
When the sound of a Little boy’s squeal made it to them despite the closed door, Lori looked at her Mommy. “I think the low tide just rolled in.”
“I believe you’re right, Li’l Bit.”
Lori laid her head on her Mommy’s shoulder and Beverly knew the Little was feeling every one of the smacks her Daddy was delivering to her brother’s behind. When squeals became cries and then pleas and promises never to be naughty again, she also knew Lori understood Blake needed every single one.
Knowing he only had himself to blame didn’t cool the fire his Daddy had lit on his bottom. His Mommy could deliver a very sound spanking, but when compared to his Daddy, hers were nothing but love pats. Shifting yet again on his chair didn’t result in finding a more comfortable position. Neither did the cushion that had been discreetly slipped him when Tay returned with menus after showing them to a table.
“Hi! I’m Tay, they/them pronouns please. I’ll be your server this afternoon. Shall we start with what you’d like to drink?”
“That sounds like a plan,” his Mommy said. “Let the Littles choose first.”
When “ummmm” appeared to be all Lori could decide on, Blake leaned over. “The lemonade is good, and they usually puts lots of extra cherries in if you’re good.”
Lori gave a little squeal of surprise when Tay leaned over to whisper, “And it’s pink lemonade.”
“Ohhh, thanks, I’ll have that,” Lori said with a smile. “I love your hair.”
They smiled even bigger and pretended to scrawl on her hand, “Definitely extra cherries for…”
“Her name is Lori and she’s my new Little sister,” Blake said proudly.
“Ah, Blake, that’s so cool,” Tay said. “Lori is lucky to have you.”
“I am, and you can give him my cherries. He deserves them.”