Beverly noticed the answer was given with about as much enthusiasm as if Lori had been invited to go shopping for a new paddle. While quieter than normal, she hadn’t withdrawn from those around her until Gordon had returned with Blake. She turned to look at her Little boy’s face and saw the same confusion in his expression as she was pretty sure he saw in hers. She wanted to discuss possible reasons with Gordon before she said anything to the Littles.
“Shall we order in lunch? All the menus should be in one of the drawers in the kitchenette.” She began to walk in the direction of the cabinets, but Gordon reached out and laid his hand on her arm.
“I have a feeling we’re going to be seeing quite a lot of this room after lunch. I think it would be better if we go to one of the eateries the Ranch has.” He looked between the Littles, again noticing that Lori was looking anywhere except at Blake who was staring at her with the saddest expression he’d had since walking out of the woods. That was something that would need dealing with as soon as possible.
“Blake mentioned this renowned mac and cheese. So I guess it’s the cafeteria?”
“We don’t have to eat in the cafeteria. All the restaurants offer that dish and other items specifically for Littles.” Beverly offered. “Both the Mexican and Italian restaurants have delicious dishes on their menus. Or we could get a sandwich in the Café if you prefer. We could even eat on the patio. We have lots of choices.”
When no choices were declared by the other three, Beverly gave it a last shot. “Okay, how about we leave the Ranch and go to my house? I can make lunch and…”
“No,” Gordon said, cutting off that avenue. “I don’t believe Blake will be leaving the Ranch until several things have been done. Which can’t be started until after he’s had lunch. Our boy’s belly has been talking since I found him in the woods. I don’t really care if it’s tacos, ravioli, or a PB&J sandwich. All I know is the quicker we eat, the sooner we can begin putting this family back together again.”
Beverly didn’t know what to say. This wasn’t the teary-eyed, hug-filled reunion she’d been picturing ever since walking into this room. Sure, she’d hugged her boy, but it now appeared her girl was slipping away. She looked at Gordon, trying to telegraph her concern. “Gordon?—”
“This isn’t right.”
It hadn’t been Gordon speaking, but Blake. She switched her attention to him. “What do you mean, pumpkin?”
“We can’t start until we finish.”
Blake’s cryptic answer didn’t do anything but further confuse her. “Blake?—”
She was cut off again, this time by Lori.
“What does that even mean? You were there in the room when Daddy finished the story. Well, until you decided you didn’t want me as your sister and snuck out, that is.”
“Lori—” Beverly only managed the single word before Blake cut in.
“No, she’s right?—”
“Will all of you stop interrupting me! Someone please tell me what the hell is going on here? I don’t care which of you does, but if someone doesn’t start talking right now, I swear, I’m going to open that cabinet and grab whatever implement I see first and start blistering some bottoms!” Beverly threatened.
“That’s what I’m trying to say!” Blake said, throwing his hand up.
“What? You want her to… to spank you?” Lori asked, the disbelief clearly showing in how huge her eyes had widened.
“No, I wanthimto spank me.”
Both Lori and Beverly’s heads whipped up to look at the only otherhimin the room. “Buddy, we talked about this?—”
“I know, Daddy, but I can’t do this.”
Forget the rabbit hole. Beverly felt as if she’d fallen to the bottom, then walked through some looking glass and was on her way to Neverland. Giving up, she dropped down on the ottoman. When she caught Gordon and Lori staring at her, she shrugged. “Hey, don’t look at me. I’m done trying to get the three of you to make sense.” She pointed at Gordon. “You spanked my ass to remind me you’re my Dom, and I’ve never been happier to submit to you than right this minute. You’re supposed to be the one in charge. It doesn’t matter which role you want to take, Dom or Dadd—” This time she cut herself off. Looking back at Blake, she just realized what she’d heard. “You called him Daddy.”
“Uh, duh,” Blake said, rolling his eyes. “What did you think took us so long to come back? Daddy found me and we had a long talk. He set me straight on a few things after he let me bawl like a big fat baby.”
“Hey, we don’t call ourselves names,” Beverly said.
“According to Daddy, we don’t hide from the truth either. So, though I’m starving, if I try to eat I won’t be able to no matter where we go. I am not going to feel right until Lori actually looks at me and calls me her brother again and maybe even gives me a pinch or a punch for scaring her yet again, and thenourDaddy gives me the spanking I so richly deserve. How’s that for truth?”
The Gordon Beverly was now looking at wasn’t the same Gordon who’d walked into the room. For that matter, the Littlegirl in his arms wasn’t the same girl who’d watched the prodigal Little boy return. Both these people were beaming as if they’d been dipped in a golden light.
“Daddy, let me down, please,” Lori said, already squirming like a worm before he even bent forward. The moment her feet hit the floor, she ran to Blake and the two toppled over at the force of the impact. Lori straddled Blake’s hips and leaned down to take his face between her hands in order to keep him prisoner as she began to plant kisses all over his face.
For someone much smaller than their Little boy, their Little girl was pretty strong, or perhaps just awfully determined. When Blake declared, “Uncle!” Lori gave him one last smack on his cheek before sitting back.
“Oh, I forgot this. Don’t ever do that again. Big brothers don’t run away from little sisters. Got it?”