She nodded. “Please.”

“All right.” He lowered his face a few inches, his lips so dangerously close to hers. “I love you, Sky.”

Her heart burst with the brilliance of a radiant sun. The words she had dreamed of hearing from him settled over her like a soothing balm, easing away the hurt and pain Beverly had inflicted. A sob tore from her throat, and she confessed, “I love you, Rafael. I always have.”

“Mi amor.” He whispered so tenderly. “My wife.”

When he kissed her this time, it was different than all the others. He held nothing back, and she surrendered wholly. His tongue swept against hers, and she tasted the bite of tequila. His fingers tangled in her messy hair, tipping her head back so he could claim her with increasingly possessive kisses.

She grasped his shirt, holding on with both hands as her head spun. He began to walk backward toward a sofa, and shefollowed happily. Their kisses were wild and insistent, neither wanting to break apart any longer than necessary.

When Rafael reached the couch, he dragged her with him, pulling her onto his lap. She let her legs fall on either side of his thighs and suddenly wished she had changed into something other than leggings and an oversized t-shirt for bed. She wanted to feel his body against hers.

“God, baby, you’re burning up,” Rafael whispered against her neck. His hands had slipped under her t-shirt and caressed her bare skin. She was on fire for him and clasped his face, stabbing her tongue against his in the wickedest way.

Rafael’s groan sent shivers of delight right down to her throbbing core. Desperate to have finally have him, she brought her shaking fingers to the buttons lining the front of his shirt. It took her a long time to get them undone, mostly because his talented hands had discovered her breasts. They ached, and she muffled her cries of joy against his mouth when he brushed his thumbs over her nipples.

“Rafa!” She arched her back and lifted her arms as he tugged her shirt up. He tossed it aside and then attacked her chest, licking and nipping at her breasts until her thighs were trembling. It felt so, so good, and she wanted to feel his hands and mouth a little lower.

“Sky,” he groaned against her skin. “I promise I’ll make it good this time.”

“You better,” she replied, her voice husky with need. Memories of the desperate, throbbing, and ruined orgasm he had left her with the last time were still all too real.

Rafael laughed and then suckled her nipple, drawing a moan from her. She rocked against him, grinding herself against the stiff heat between her legs. He groped at her bottom, grabbing her ass in both hands, and pressing her firmly against his cock.

“Rafa, I need—.”

Jasper’s cry tore through the haze of lust. Panting, they clutched at each other, their foreheads touching as the reality of being parents hit hard. Rafael groaned and peppered tender kisses along the curve of her neck. “I’ll get him.”

“You sure?”

“Yes.” He gently shifted her off his lap and onto the couch. He managed one final passionate kiss before Jasper wailed again.

Craving her husband, she watched him disappear into the adjacent room that had been hastily turned into a makeshift nursery. While she waited for her heartbeat to slow down, she listened to him soothing Jasper and talking to him quietly. It became clear after a few minutes that Jasper wasn’t going to settle back down easily.

She joined Rafael in the makeshift nursery where he stood rocking Jasper side to side. They weren’t cries of hunger. She stroked Jasper’s head, checking for fever. His temperature seemed normal. “Do you think he’s teething?”

“Or maybe his ears from the flight?” Rafael suggested. “I gave him his pacifier when we were landing.”

Sky bit her lower lip. “Should we give him some baby Motrin or Tylenol?”

“Maybe?” He gently shushed Jasper while rocking him side to side. “Or we could ask my mom?”

“Your mom?” she said at the same time.

Rafael smiled. “Let’s hope she doesn’t decide he caughtojo. She’ll want to rub an egg on him.”

“Rafael!” Sky rolled her eyes at him. “Stop!”

“What? I’m serious!”

“Well, if it works, I’ll go get the eggs myself.”

Jasper’s fussing summoned his grandmother even before they reached her bedroom door. Soila calmed their fears, and after peeking into Jasper’s mouth, she agreed it was likely his ears were hurting after their flight. She insisted on staying awakewith them until the Motrin took effect and Jasper fell back asleep.

By that time, it was nearly five in the morning. Exhausted, Sky followed Rafael back to their wing of the house and settled into bed. They took all the pillows off the bed and placed Jasper between them on the mattress. They curled around him, holding hands just below his feet.

“Are you crying?” Rafael asked, his voice heavy with concern.