She whimpered at the horror of discovering her teenage niece had seen the video. Granted, the grainy recording didn’t show any skin or anything X-rated, but it showed enough.

Of me.

Being a dirty little slut at my sister’s wedding.

The bedroom door opened, and Rafael entered looking haggard. He hadn’t changed since they’d fled San Antonio only an hour after the news broke. It was now three in the morning, and like her, he was exhausted.

“Rafael,” she pleaded tearfully, “I’m so sorry.”

His tired gaze fell to the phone clamped in her hand. He frowned. “I told you not to read any of that shit.” He stormed across the room and flicked his fingers. “Give me your phone.”

She gladly handed it over, never wanting to use it ever again. “I’m sorry.”

“Stop apologizing.”

She flinched, and he immediately tossed his phone and hers onto the closest chair and then knelt in front of her. He took one of her trembling hands in his and palmed her cheek. “Look at me.”

She couldn’t do it. Not at first. When she worked up the courage, she was taken aback by the tenderness in his dark eyes. He stroked her cheek with his thumb, and it took every bit of her self-control not to throw her arms around him and sob against his neck.

“None of this is your fault. None of it. Do you hear me,mi amor?”

It wasn’t the first time he’d called her that.Mi amor.My love. She wanted to believe he meant it, but she wouldn’t let herself hope only to get her feelings destroyed.


She nodded weakly. “I hear you.”

“But do you believe it?”

“I don’t know.” She shook her head and fresh tears erupted. “I should have told you as soon as it happened. I should have warned you that Beverly was out there, that she saw us.”

“The only person at fault here is that vindictive bitch,” Rafael insisted. “She’s disgusting. Spying on us like that? Recording us?Sharing our personal, private moment online? Making up those filthy lies! If I had known back then, I would have buried her.”

Rafael’s forceful reply shook her out of her self-pitying state. She lifted her head from his now tear-soaked shirt and met his stormy gaze. She searched his eyes, trying to find any hint of a lie. Finally realizing he meant every word, she went still as the horrible truth hit. “I wasted all those years!”

She shoved away from his grasping hands and jumped to her feet. The pain and torment of those years she spent everywhere but home with Maddie threatened to overwhelm and drown her. “I’m so stupid!”

“You are not stupid!” Rafael was on his feet, pacing after her. “Did she threaten you? Back then? After the wedding?” His hands were suddenly on her shoulders, holding her still as his dark eyes burned into hers. “Is that why you left? You were trying to protectme?”

Sky nodded stiffly. “I knew how it would look! I was a teenager, Rafael, and you were older. I made the first move, but she could easily edit that out and then what? Even if we told our side of the story, it would still be embarrassing for everyone. Your mother was so nice to me, and your whole family welcomed me and I threw myself at you like a—.”

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence,” Rafael warned. “You are not any such thing. You were a young woman caught up in a moment.Iwas the adult with more experience. I should have been stronger, but you are so beautiful, so full of life. Being close to you was like standing next to a wildfire, and I wanted to burn with you.”

Startled by the ferocity of his declaration, Sky blinked up at him. “Rafael.”

He exhaled roughly and let his hands drop from her shoulders. His gaze never left hers, and he looked pained as he said, “You missed out on all that time with your sister because of me.”

“No.” She hated to see the guilt etched into his face. “It was because of Beverly.”

“I’m sorry, Sky.” He dragged her into his arms, nearly crushing her in his embrace. “I failed you. I should have gone after you. I should have made sure you were safe, but I was ashamed of what I’d done to you.”

“You didn’t do anything to me,” she interrupted. “We had sex, Rafael. We were adults.”

“I didn’t act like one. I acted like a scared little boy and left you to deal with the aftermath.” He gritted his teeth. “I was a selfish prick, and I’ll never forgive myself for putting you in this position.”

“Please don’t,” she all but begged. “Please. I can’t bear for us to be miserable, to be torn apart by shame and hurt. No more secrets and no more lies.”

Rafael tipped her chin. The fiery heat of his gaze melted her heart. “No more secrets?”