Talk about an overreaction on my part. That was clearly fueled by guilt and self-loathing. The fact that my mind automatically jumped to JP is a very telling sign that there is a problem. And the problem is that up until I got here, I didn’t know I had a problem. And the bigger problem the hell am I going to solve it?

12. Catalina

Iclick on the iconto open the app on my phone, then busy myself making a cup of coffee as the sound of Isa’s voice comes through the speakers. I’ve been listening to her and Tommy every morning since I’ve been back, and I am thoroughly hooked. They have that energy that’s borderline addictive to listen to.

Keith left early this morning. He needs to be at the office by six-thirty this whole week, so it’s just me alone with my thoughts, and I’d rather listen to my sister than my conscience. Hearing their chirpy voices is already lifting my spirits.

Isa:And it’s a beautiful Thursday morning in sunny Los Angeles. Highs of eighty-nine degrees today.

Tommy:June-gloom is over, people! It’s a perfect day for the beach. Thank you for joining me and my gorgeous co-host, IzzyB, on the Crude Awakening, coming at you every day from six to nine a.m. on KRXM. We’re still taking your requests for your best moments. Who do we have on the line?

Isa:We have...Britney. How’s it going, Britney?

Britney: Hi, guys! Oh, my God! I can’t believe I finally got through. I’ve been trying since last week.

Tommy:Phone lines have been crazy busy. Where’re you calling from, Brit?

Britney:Monterey Park. I just wanted to say thank you for an amazing show. I love listening to you guys. You make my morning, and I’m so sad we only have a few more days with you. I tune in as soon as I drop the kids off at school...because, you know, I don’t want Tommy to have any influence over their impressionable young minds.

Tommy: I do make the biggest impact on the innocent ones. So, what was your favorite moment on the show?

Britney:I have two. The first was when you guys interviewed that author, James...something or the other, and Tommy hadn’t read his latest book, and he made such weird comments, it derailed the entire interview.

Isa:Oh, yeah! I remember that. It was James Montana, by the way. As a reminder to everyone, Tommy told James that he felt so connected to the character, Emery. He said he felt like they were kindred spirits, and then James kindly informed him that Emery was the dog.

Tommy:Who names a dog Emery? Honestly? But at least I made a good recovery. I said it felt like Emery was my spirit animal.

Isa:Uh...he still didn’t believe you, Tom.

Tommy: In my defense, I can’t read.

Isa:Ah, Thomas McClarkson, ladies and gentlemen. The great degenerate. He’s still trying to figure out how elevators work. For those of you who don’t know this, Tommy and I have been working together on and off for close to nine years now. Our first job together was in a small hardware store not too far from here. I know him a long time, so trust me when I say that he defies the theory of evolution. Don’t be fooled by his opposable thumbs. This guy only has two brain cells and they’re both fighting for third place. He’s honestly the reason why shampoo bottles come with instructions.

Tommy:I’m really not. I just told you I can’t read.

I giggle as I sip my coffee. I love listening to their banter and the way they play off each other. Their producer, Damon, and Sydney, who reads the news and the traffic report, also add such a fun dynamic to the team. The show as a whole is very entertaining.