“Bella, I told you that we’ve got those food critics coming to the restaurant tomorrow. They’re doing a write-up for a magazine, and I have to be there.”

“Sorry, I messed up the dates. I thought they were only coming on Friday.” She turns to Keith. “Dad?”

“Sure. I have a meeting at twelve, so as long as you girls are done by eleven, I can pick Cat up and still get back to the office on time.”

I’m about to object to tell them I can get home by myself when Dylan moves to stand beside Isa and curls his arm around her neck. “And what did your maid of honor say about his suit?”

Isa giggles. “You know Tom. He says he’ll wear the pink jacket and tie, but he’s wearing it with cargo shorts. I was just grateful that he agreed to give up the floral print Hawaiian shirt for a day, so I took my win and gave no further arguments.”

“Yeah, that sounds like him,” Dylan confirms.

Again, I feel another blow of being away from home for way too long. My sister chose Tommy to be her maid of honor, and he rightfully deserves that title because he’s been there for her through good days, bad days, rain or shine. I know my sister misses me, and there were many times in the beginning when she used to beg me to come home, but eventually, she stopped needing me. I thought I would be bursting with happiness today, and I am, but I find myself constantly on the brink of tears. I’ve been flung into the deep end of my old life, and I’m struggling to swim.

“I can’t believe you’re trying on wedding dresses. Where did the time go?” Keith smiles at me then at Isa, and that smile is both proud and sad at the same time. “I know you’re both going to look beautiful on the day.”

I’m not sure what about that statement makes Scott feel uncomfortable, but he clears his throat and stands up. “I’d better get going.” He takes his plate to the sink, then starts moving toward the front door. “Are we still on for Saturday?”

“Yeah,” Keith replies. “Just tell Peter not to drink before we play. I don’t want you guys to have any excuses when you lose again.”

Scott rolls his eyes. “You’re pushing fifty, Keith. We like to go easy on you.”

“Whatever helps you sleep at night.”

“Besides, my dad was on our team last time. He has no hand-eye coordination.”

Keith laughs. “You use the same lame excuse every time I whip yo’ ass.”

“It’s just embarrassing, is all, but Pete and I keep trying and that’s what counts.” Scott grabs his Ziplock bag of cookies. “Catch you guys on Saturday.” He looks in my direction and gives a non-committal nod. “See you around, Cat.”

I don’t doubt that I will probably run into Scott a few times, but that at least makes me feel like we’re on the same page when it comes to avoiding each other.

“See you around, Scott...and thanks for picking me up.”

“No problem.”

He leaves without saying another word and soon after, Dylan leaves as well to allow us some quality time as a family. The four of us have dinner and my mother dotes about how much she loves having my sister and I back under the same roof again. There’s a simple, inexplicable joy just being in their presence again, to behomeagain.

“I’m staying here tonight,” Isa says as we clear the table. “Will you sleep with me...like you used to when we were kids?”

“Of course.”

Keith and my mother snuggle on the couch to watch a movie while Isa and I clean up. She tells me about how her career is starting to take off. She and Tommy started out doing the lunchtime show at a radio station, KRXM. The two of them can talk utter nonsense for hours and it’s highly entertaining, which is how they got the show in the first place. Last year, they got bumped up to the breakfast slot because their ratings were so good, and now they were offered a contract for the breakfast show at a bigger station, AmpUP Radio. She’s due to start their new show as soon as she gets back from her honeymoon. Her excitement is infectious, and I find myself beaming with happiness. I’m so proud of her.

There isn’t a silent moment. At some points, we’re talking over each other because we can’t contain ourselves. She’s come such a long way. Catching up with her is both joyful and surreal, because I can see how much she’s grown.

After a quick shower, I go to her old bedroom. Isa’s best friend, Tommy, moved into my old room about a year after I moved out, and a lot of his stuff is still there, so it feels likehisroom now, not mine. Isa is already under the covers, and she resumes our conversation as I climb in beside her. She asks about my travels, and her questions don’t stop. She hangs on my every word, wanting to find out about every town and city I’ve been to.

“I’m so jealous,” she says. “You’re living the life, traveling the world, dating a ruggedly hot French dude who adores you and—”

“Shit!” I gasp. “I forgot to call him. Give me one second, Isa.”

I want to slap myself. I was so distracted it didn’t even register to call JP and let him know I’d arrived safely. Checking my phone, I realize he’s probably already asleep because Paris is nine hours ahead of us. I shoot him a quick text instead and promise to call him tomorrow.

“So, were things awkward today between you and Scott?” Isa asks once she has my full attention again.

“Not awkward. It’s just...different. I see glimpses of us, but it doesn’tfeellike us. It doesn’t feel normal...but I guess I just have to get used to it because this is the new normal.”

Isa gives a small pout. “I’m sorry. I know this must be hard for you and I wish I could make it easier, but Scott, Peter, and Dylan come as a package deal. At least it’s only for a few weeks, then you’ll be jetting off with JP again. I can’t wait to finally meet him in person. He’s so reserved over the phone, but I’m sure it’s just because he’s not that comfortable around us yet.”