“I’m sorry, baby,” she coos before going back to work. I sneer at her and tilt by head back against the brick wall.
This was supposed to be a distraction, to help me release some pent up tension from not being able to spend time with my little pet. We had been interrupted last time, so I haven’t had any play time with her in months and I was getting restless.
When this blonde chick batted her eyelashes at me as we stood in line for coffee, I decided she’d be good for a quick blowy in the back alley. She agreed all too eagerly, happy for a chance at being fucked by a stranger.What a whore. She’s nothing like mylittle pet.
I know what people see when they look at me. I’m slightly over six feet, with a great physique and an even better face. It’s not hard to get women, which makes my life a little easier.
My sister has those same good looks, the same beautiful green eyes. I saw them the moment she was first brought home when I was ten. I held her tiny body as those big eyes looked up into mine and I felt the connection there. She was perfect, and it was my job to take care of her.
Even though she was only my half sister, I knew I needed to keep her safe from the world. I saw the way dad looked at her too, he loved her with everything he had, and I hated it. He never looked at me like that, no matter what I did to get his attention. But Mina… she looked up to me like I meant everything to her.
So when mom told me that dad had left for rehab, and would be returning to take her away for good, I knew it was time to take action. My mother loved me, despite my constant attempt to gain my dad’s attention, or the fact that I got a little too playful with the neighbor’s cat one day. So when I told her we needed to leave, so he couldn’t find us, she agreed.
And when we got new identities and a new place to live, I convinced my mom that Mina needed to stay home and hidden, or she would spill the truth to kids at school. Really, I just wanted to keep her away from others, so she remained pure and perfect for me. I didn’t even want anyone else looking at her.
When I noticed my mother starting to hit her and lock her up, I wanted to protest, but I saw how on edge my mother was, and decided she needed the outlet. Besides, if it kept my little pet compliant, I didn’t really mind. In fact, in the beginning it made her so eager for my attention, preferring me over our mother, that I loved it. I even encouraged mymother to hurt her a little from time to time so Mina would see me as her guardian angel.
But as she started getting older, she started to push off my touches and scream at me. I told my mother we needed to find a way to keep her quiet before she started getting loud enough for neighbors to hear. I was surprised when I found out what she had done, pouring bleach down her throat, but seeing as it didn’t kill my little pet and she became mute, I was thrilled with the outcome. After that, I was able to visit her in peace.
In order to keep her pure, even from myself, I sought out girls who looked like my pet, to find my release with, hoping that one day I’d find someone to replace her so I could let her go. But none of them were even close to the perfect little pet I kept locked up at home, no matter how many times I tried.
But every time I found a new girl, it helped pull me back a little from the brink of madness. I was constantly thinking about her, wanting to be close to her. I’d always held myself back, not wanting to break her perfection, no matter how much I craved to do just that.
That was… until recently. I had decided I needed to move on and let her go. After finally giving into my darkest need to fuck her, I would pin all the murders on her. The only reason I had told my mom to send her to school was because we needed some sort of record of her being here. I knew she couldn’t talk and would be ostracized at school. They’d see her as a strange, weird outsider and along with the suicide note I’d leave with her body, it would be easy for the police to come to the conclusion I wanted them to.
With her out of the way, I would finally be seen. It was a sacrifice I was willing to make, knowing I couldn’t keep going on this way, obsessing over her while craving approval fromhim.
It was all going to plan until my mother fucked everything up. The worst part is I still can’t figure out where my pet is hiding. She hasn’t returned to school and there’s no record at the hospital of where she went.
I thread my fingers through the blonde’s hair, using my hands to fuck her mouth hard as I finally reach my climax, closing my eyes and imagining the face of my perfect little pet instead of this whore. When I finally come in her mouth, she starts to gag, but I hold her to me until I’m done. Eventually, I pull her off as she coughs and splutters, practically tossing her aside as I tuck myself back in and zip up my pants.
“What the fuck, asshole?” she asks, spitting on the ground before climbing to her feet with a scowl.
“Don’t act so indignant. You knew what you were getting into when you followed a stranger into a dirty alley,” I tell her as I straighten my clothes.
“Asshole!” she fumes, storming past me and out to the street.
I tilt my head back and sigh.The things I have to put up with.
I head towards the entrance to the alley when a man steps in front of me. When I see who it is, my eyes widen. “What are—” I don’t get to finish my sentence before he punches me across the jaw, making me stumble to the side.
He steps towards me, so I take a step back, touching my jaw with my fingers to make sure it isn’t broken. I can see the rage in his eyes as he keeps advancing. I have no idea what’s got him so upset, but I don’t like the way he’s looking at me right now. “Are you o—”
He cuts me off again, punching me in the face. “Fuck!” I cry out. “That’s gonna leave a black eye!”
“I’ll give you more than a black eye, you sick son of a bitch!” he growls as he advances towards me, his hands clenched into fists as his sides with murder glinting in his eyes. “You hurt her!”
Shit.How did he find out? Wait—Was he the one protecting her now?
He takes advantage of my reaction to push me hard enough that I fall on my ass, looming over me as he shoves his finger in my face. “Listen to me carefully. You stay away from her, she’sminenow and I won’t let you hurt her. Come near her again and I’ll kill you,” he growls quietly.
I swallow heavily and nod, knowing he could do just that. He watches me for a moment and when he’s satisfied with what he sees, he stands up and abruptly turns on his heel and strides from the alley.
I take a deep breath of relief that he’s gone. But I quickly tense up, realizing the predicament he’s put me in. I need to finish my plan of blaming everything on Mina and taking her out of the picture. Then he’ll see the truth once and for all, that I’m the only one he needs.
Chapter thirty-four
“Ben, come on, help us out here. You know there is nothing left at the school for us to investigate. We’re better off being here,” Max begs as he and Tucker, once again, try to persuade Dom to let them stay home.