Page 78 of Silent Betrayal

I agree with them. Not only were we ninety-nine percent sure that Simon was the killer, but we’d never had a single good lead from their months spent at that high school. Several girls had died, and they heard nothing about them before the occurrences took place.

But I’m not about to argue against Dom’s judgement. I lift my hands in apology as I speak. “I’m sorry, but it doesn’t matter what I think about it. I trust Dom’s decision. If he thinks there’s a chance you’ll hear something to help us with this case, and that you can’t do anything more productive here, then I think it’s worth it.”

My eyes move from Max and Tucker’s frustrated faces to Dom’s. I expect to see appreciation there, but instead he frowns at me. “What?” I ask in confusion.

“Well, when you put it like that, I guess there really isn’t any point in them going backthere.”

“Yes! Awesome! Thanks Ben!” Max exclaims excitedly, high-fiving Tucker. “I’m going to tell Jasper and Mina!” He quickly runs for the stairs, but I yell after him.

“Just because you’re home doesn’t mean you get to spend the day with her. Don’t forget, she’s mine today!” I yell.

“Yeah, yeah, I know!” he yells as he disappears upstairs, making me sigh and shake my head as I look at the other four in the room.

“So, what are you two going to do with your day now?” I ask Gideon and Tucker.

“I think I should go in and formally hand in my notice,” Gideon says, looking at Tucker.

“Not me. I’m calling it in. They can find someone else to watch the kids play soccer until they find a replacement,” Tucker says, crossing his arms with a shrug. “Dom, you got something for me to do here?”

“Yeah, you can help me. Since Ben will be with Mina and we don’t need to stay here with her, you and I can drive around town and see if we can spot Helen anywhere. I’ll get the twins to take another vehicle and do the same thing. And Atlas—”

“Is busy,” Atlas finishes for him, making me frown.

“Doing what?” I ask.

He stares at me with his arms crossed as he leans against the wall silently, making me roll my eyes. “For fuck’s sake, Atlas, you don’t need to follow us.”

“I do. Security is my job. I’m not letting her leave with one or even two of you on your own.”

“You let me take her on my own,” Tucker adds, making me snort. “What?” he asks in confusion.

“He didn’t let you go on your own, Tuck, he followed you the entire time.”

“What?!” He turns his wide eyes to Atlas. “How? We were on horseback!”

“You think I can’t ride a horse?”

“Jesus Christ, Atlas! Did you watch us out there, too? That’s not cool, bro!” Tucker says with frustration.

“Of course not, I’m not saying I didn’t hear anything, but I turned my back and kept watch for you. You were clearly too distracted to watch for any threats.”

“Therewereno threats out there!”

“There could have been.”

“God, you’re such a protective asshole, you know that?”

Atlas shrugs, pulling his knife out to spin in his palm. “As long as she’s safe, and you’re safe, that’s all that matters.”

“Well, if you are going to stalk us to the zoo, you may as well just join us,” I say, pushing my hand through my hair.

“No, I don’t want to take away from your date. I can stay out of sight.”

“It’s fine, Atlas, I really don’t mind. You’re family, it’s not like I don’t mind spending time with you, too. We can make it a double date.”

He frowns at me for a minute in contemplation as he spins his knife. “I already got her a charm for her bracelet. It’s a campfire, I was going to take her camping for a night,” he says, flicking his knife closed and pocketing it as his eyes drift to the ground.

“Why don’t we do that as a group activity, then you can still give her the charm,” Tucker suggests. “Besides, camping is more fun with more people, and less work for you if you have all of us there to help set up.”