“Well, between the two of us, I’m the only one fucking her, so doesn’t that make her mine?” He was not only pushing Dylan, Ford was also pushing his luck.
He really didn’t need a fist to the face.
“But you’ll share her with me?”
Ford shrugged. “I’m not greedy.”
“What if I don’t want to share her with you?”
“Then, I’d say youaregreedy.”
“I’m pretty fucking greedy,” Dylan acknowledged. “When I see what I want, I go for it. Unfortunately, you’re standing in my way.”
“That problem could be easily solved.”
“By you no longer being a cock block?”
“Like I said, you’re invited to join us. You’re as hard for me as you are for her. You might not want to admit it, but the proof is…” Ford’s eyes flicked downward. “Obvious.”
“You’re saying, if I want Erin, you’re a package deal? Does she know you’re negotiating her sex life for her?”
“By your comment, I’ll take it you’re only interested in having sex with her and nothing more. Sounds like you’re the one who doesn’t see her as special.”
“Bullshit. I didn’t say that.”
“You’ve been out of her life for a very long time, boss. Do you think you know the real Erin anymore? She’s no longer a teenager and neither are you.”
“I’m well aware of that fact.”
“I’m sure you are after what you witnessed in this room.”
Dylan ignored that. “I guess I have to go through you to get to her.”
“Clean your ears out, I said you canjoinus. I realize that a threesome can be a little overwhelming?—”
“Shut up.”
Ford did not shut up, in fact, he continued. “At first, but I’m willing to walk you through it. Don’t feel intimidated. It’s simply two dicks, three mouths and assholes, six hands and one very juicy pussy.”
“I told you to shut up.”
Ford knew he was playing with fire and could be seriously burned, but if what he was doing worked out, it could be good for all three of them. One side of his mouth pulled up in a cocky grin and he said something he hadn’t said since elementary school, “Make me.”
When Dylan’s intense hazel eyes focused on Ford’s lips, he licked them.
Without warning, Dylan grasped both sides of Ford’s face, jerked him closer and crashed their mouths together. When his tongue demanded entrance, Ford didn’t deny it. He’d be a fool to do so because hewantedthis man.
However, what he wanted and what he would get were two different things. The anger and frustration had to be due to Dylan repressing his bisexuality.
It wasn’t a sexy kiss. It was combative. Even so, his boss made Ford’s blood rush, his cock hard, his balls ache for relief and he refused to be submissive simply because Dylan wanted him to be.
No damn way.
Their tongues fought for control. Wrestled for power. Neither wanted to give in and both wanted to be the victor.
The second Dylan pushed Ford’s tongue out of his mouth, Ford clamped down on Dylan’s bottom lip with his teeth. He was careful at first but since this seemed to be a battle, he bit down. Hard.
Dylan fisted Ford’s hair and yanked it to free himself. Once Ford released him, the resort owner pulled away, panting. He wiped the back of his hand over his bleeding bottom lip and growled, “Is that how you want to play it?”