Page 51 of Undone

“Do you want to fuck or make love?” Ford asked him.


“Then, yes, that’s how I want toplayit.”

“I like a challenge.”

“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” Ford warned.

“What’s your safe word?”

“I don’t have one.” He never needed one since he wasn’t usually on the receiving end, whether during sex or a scene.

“Since nobody should enter these rooms without one, now you do. It’s peanut butter.”

“That’s two words.”

“So is ‘get naked.’”

Chapter Fourteen

“I never agreed to this.”

“Okay, then,” Dylan responded. “Just know, if you’re not interested, then I’m not interested in your threesome. I’ll pursue Erin on my own.”

Ford stared at him for far too long. Was he considering it? Truthfully, Dylan did have some interest in having sex with him and Erin at the same time. He hadn’t done a threesome before, and he wasn’t against it. He’d simply never sought out the opportunity.

Today, it was landing in his lap. However, he was well aware of possible issues doing one.

Jealousy, or someone feeling ignored.

He had to take into account that he would be the odd man out here. Ford already had an ongoing intimate relationship with Erin.

Dylan did not.

Did he want one with her badly enough to put himself in this type of situation?

Earlier, his attention couldn’t be pulled away from what Ford had been doing to Erin on the spanking bench. While watching, he fantasized about standing in Ford’s place. Not long after, healso had flashes of Ford being the one tied up and getting the same treatment as given to Erin.

He couldn’t tell what turned him on more.

The truth was, he wanted to fuck them both. Only, he never considered doing it at the same time and in the same place. A twist he hadn’t seen coming.

But right now, Dylan really wanted to recreate that scene with Ford. He wasn’t sure if the man would agree since he already stated he normally didn’t bottom.

“If I did this with you, you’d consider our proposal?” Ford asked.


“Yes,our. Do you think I’d propose something like that without getting her consent first?”

Consent was a requirement on this ranch, whether it involved a guest, employee or even a visitor. But still, he found this proposal surprising. “She wants a threesome? With the two of us?”

“I told you she’s changed. Just like you did. Only you had to leave to find your true self. She found hers here.”

Dylan sneered. “I’m tired of people trying to make me feel guilty for leaving.”

“That’s not what I’m trying to do. You left for a reason and that reason belongs to you. You knew what you needed and shouldn’t feel guilty about that.” Ford tipped his head to the side. “Anyway, Erin discovered a lot about herself after you left. So, in a way, you leaving also helped her find her true self, too.”