She smiled. “Hi, Ford.”
He grabbed her elbow, leaned in and pressed a kiss to her cheek.
Even such a simple show of affection from Ford made her heart flutter. The man was criminally handsome, and had a rocking hot body as well.
With one side of his mouth pulled up, he asked, “How have you been?”
“Surviving. I’m glad to see that you are, too,”—she swept a hand around—“after working your magic.”
“I appreciate the work the Lyons brothers threw my way.”
His head tipped down as hers tipped up to search his face. She cupped his bearded cheek. “You look exhausted.”
Ford pulled in a breath. “I am. I had a hard deadline, and I busted my ass to make it.”
“Well, you pulled it off. So, now what? Do you have another job lined up?”
“Now, I sleep for the next week.” He dragged the rough pad of his thumb over her lower lip. “Do you want to join me?”
“Sleeping? No. You snore.”
Ford chuckled. “I figured if I tired you out enough that you’d sleep right through the sound of a chainsaw.”
“You are always good at tiring me out, but no one can sleep through that, except you.”
He gripped her hips and pulled her tight against him in what appeared to others as a friendly “hug.” With heat filling his dark brown eyes, he dropped his voice an octave, as well as the volume. “It’s been a while.”
“It has.”
“Obviously, you’ve been a bit busy.”
“True. But I should never be so busy that I ignore you.”
“We have our own lives, Ford. You don’t owe me anything.”
One dark eyebrow cocked. “A few orgasms?”
“Those are great and all but not required for us to be friends.”
He jerked his chin into his neck. “Erin Hart, have you just friend-zoned me?”
She laughed softly. “I’d like to think we’ve always been friends.”
He squeezed her hips. “Normal friends don’t do what we do.”
He was right.
“Mr. Harris, are you getting hard right here and now?” she asked under her breath, so no one nearby heard her.
“I’m exhausted but not dead. Though, you could still give a dead man an erection.” He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. “Sorry.”
She placed a hand on his chest. “It’s been ten years, Ford. I think I can handle a joke, and I know you weren’t referring to Kyle.”
When he leaned in and pressed his warm lips to her forehead, his short, dark beard scratched her skin. It had been too long since she’d felt the same on her inner thighs.
Her pussy clenched with the memory of the last time they were together. Maybe she did need to do a sleepover with him again soon. She’d simply have to pack some ear plugs in her overnight bag.