Page 11 of Undone

Erin laughed. “I was never a big fan, either.” She tipped her head to the side and considered the older woman. “How do you feel about them turning this into an adults-only resort?”

She wondered if Evelyn knew the details yet.

“Honestly, I think it’s a hoot. If this is how the kids want to handle running the farm, then more power to them. I’ve never been a prude and what happens in someone’s bedroom is their business, not mine.”

“Do you think what happens here will be confined to the bedrooms?” she asked cautiously.

Evelyn shrugged. “Well, since you have to be over twenty-one to be a guest, my guess is, anything goes.”

Anything goes.

Dylan’s mother laughed. “When I was young, I actually considered running away and joining a nudist colony.”

Erin didn’t think a nudist colony was even close to what Dylan had planned for this property. Again, according to the rumors. But the more she heard, the more she had a feeling it was truth and not speculation.

Actually, it really surprised her Dylan was the one to come up with the idea. She would expect Dayne to be the instigator. He’d always been the wilder one of the two.

Of course, people tend to change after they’ve graduated high school or college and matured. But still…

This was not the direction she’d ever guess Dylan would head.

Evelyn clapped her hands sharply together once. “Well, I have to run. I hope to see you again soon, Erin. Don’t be a stranger!”

“Same, Evelyn.”

As his mother walked away, she tossed over her shoulder, “Make sure to check out the old farmhouse before you leave. I’m not sure you’ll recognize that, either!”

“Is it open to the public?”

“You’re not just anyone, Erin. I’ve always considered you family.”

She doubted Dylan and Dayne did. “I’ll check it out.” She probably wouldn’t. “Have a great day, Evelyn!”

Dylan’s mother waved a hand over her shoulder and kept moving.

The woman was in amazing shape for being in her early sixties. She was also in good spirits, even after losing the love of her life over a year ago.

Maybe it was true that time healed all wounds. She only wished it applied to Dylan, too. As well as herself.

She shook herself mentally. She needed to continue looking forward and not live in the past.

But one thing was for sure, if she and Dylan would once again be living in the same town, they needed to settle some things between them. This way, every time they ran into each other, it wouldn’t be uncomfortable for either of them.

They were immature kids back then. They were mature adults now. They needed to act like it.

She could if he could.

The second she stepped inside the lodge; she lost her breath. It was absolutely stunning. She was proud of Ford for taking Dylan’s vision and making it a reality.

The main area of the lodge—what she would consider the “lobby” if it had been a normal hotel—was full of people milling around, snacking on hors d’oeuvres, carrying around drinks—including champagne flutes—while chatting and laughing.

She spotted a high school friend standing at the back of the room near the impressive two-story stone fireplace. It was flanked by propped-open French doors since the day was beautiful.

They sure lucked out with the weather today.

As she headed in that direction to say hello, a man stepped in front of her and blocked her path.

“Hey,” came the deep greeting as she glanced up.