“That could happen,” Ford warned Dylan, grabbing his head and pulling him back down for a long, thorough kiss.
That kiss was enough to distract Dylan, and they continued doing their thing while she went back to doing her own.
She currently wore thigh-high stockings and a leather garter belt, along with a matching leather bra with peek-a-boo holes to show off her nipples, high heels and… nothing else. And what she was doing was fingering her own pussy and clit as she watched the men play with each other.
Even though they weren’t performing for her specifically, she liked to think they were.
All it took to push her toward her first climax of the night was the two of them to start playfully wrestling and fighting to be on top.
The whole scene before her went from hot to scorching. The lazy licking, soft touches or light kissing quickly disappeared. A power struggle evolved, involving teeth, nails, grunts and soft curses.
Ford ended up on top, pinning Dylan down by his wrists and straddling his waist.
Both were now out of breath and Erin could confirm neither man cared right now what she was doing in her little corner. At least until she cried out and her body bowed against the chair as an orgasm ripped through her.
When she finally returned to Earth, she glanced over at the bed again.
Oh yes, the men were in their own little world and missed her orgasm because they were working on their own.
Ford had Dylan’s knees pinned to his chest and was already lubing up his hole, preparing it.
Ford clearly won that particular battle.
That was all right. Dylan would “win” the next one.
He always did.
Dylan climbed backinto bed after cleaning up. “You were wrong earlier.”
“Who?” Erin asked sleepily. Three intense orgasms in a row tended to wipe her out, whether they were self-service or given to her by the men.
“You,” he informed Erin.
She raised an eyebrow in his direction, which was on the other side of Ford. “About?”
She no longer was always sandwiched in between them. They now switched up their sleeping positions depending on who didn’t want to be stuck in the middle. Sometimes she’d woken up in a sweat if both men were crowding her. They tended to emit heat like furnaces cranked on high.
“You said there are no rules,” Dylan answered. “That’s untrue. Rules exist for every relationship, whether spoken or not. As for sex, we are only limited by our desires and how far we’re willing to go to fulfill those desires.”
“That last part should be our mission statement.” Ford followed that up with a loud yawn, which caused both Erin and Dylan to do the same.
“For the resort?” Dylan stretched out and got comfortable.
Ford rolled into him. “No, for us.”
Dylan considered that for a second. “Do we need one?”
“Not necessarily, but it sounded good.”
Erin smiled. “We could say the same thing about love.”
Dylan tested that concept out. “We’re only limited by our love and how far we’re willing to go to…”
“Maintain that love?”
Ford rolled onto his back and added his suggestion to Erin’s. “Or grow it?”
Dylan rolled to his side, planted his elbow onto the bed and propped his head on his hand. “Well, how fararewe willing to go for love?”