Erin held her breath. While she and Ford admitted they loved each other a few months ago, Dylan hadn’t joined in.
“You’re both here more often than not,” Dylan stated the obvious.
Where was he going with that?
“Honestly, I’m starting to feel like a stranger in my own home,” Ford muttered.
“Same.” Erin slowly circled her finger through Ford’s dark chest hairs.
Between working five days a week at the resort, then staying over with Dylan almost every night, she hardly went home anymore. Dylan’s wing in the farmhouse was starting to feel more like home than her own place.
They even spent weekends together doing planned activities, like trail rides by horseback or four-wheelers, or hiking the many trails that were only accessible by foot. And at least one of those days or nights, they booked a playroom up in “Heaven.”
To say the sex was the most satisfying part of their threesome would be wrong. It was the conversations they shared afterward. Those exchanges had certainly evolved as their poly relationship developed. They were now more intimate and personal.
But then, communication was key for any healthy relationship.
On the other hand, the three were also comfortable enough now to be able to simply bask in silence. They no longer needed small talk to fill the quiet between the noise.
“It’s crazy how much stuff you two have left here just in the past six months.”
Again, where was Dylan going with this? Was he not feeling the same way as Ford and Erin? Was he feeling pressured or smothered?
She and Ford shared a concerned glance.
“We can take it home if it’s bothering you,” Ford offered cautiously. He seemed to be just as confused at this sudden change in direction in the conversation.
“It’s an observation, not a complaint.”
“What’s our other option?” Erin asked carefully. “What are you saying, Dylan? Do you want us to spend less time here? Or to leave after sex?”
“No, just the opposite. I want you to move in.”
Her eyes went wide.
“My mother knows and approves.”
Erin frowned. “Wait. Why do we need our parents’ approvals? We’re adults.”
“It simply makes life easier.”
“Maybe. Maybe not,” Ford said. “It might make family gatherings and holidays easier, but not our everyday lives.”
“What if your parents have a problem with us being in a poly relationship?”
“Then, they have a problem,” Ford stated with a shrug. “Again, I’m an adult. I didn’t care if they had a problem with me being bi, the same way I won’t care if they have a problem with me being polyamorous. Parents should love their children unconditionally.”
“Should, but that’s not reality.”
Dylan was right, unfortunately.
Ford wasn’t done. “If my parents aren’t accepting of the two people who love and are committed to me, that’s a problem for them. Not me.”
She liked how Ford slipped in the fact Dylan loved them, too, without it being too obvious.
She and Ford told each other on a regular basis.
As for Dylan…