“Great,” Dylan responded dryly. “Is there enough for everyone?”
Dani grabbed a spatula from a drawer and jabbed it toward the door to Dylan’s wing. “Depends how many more of your students are about to come through that door.”
Dylan’s brow scrunched low. “Students?”
“Yes, of your”—she made air quotes—“fitness classes.”
He blinked and glanced at Erin. She bugged her eyes out at him in a silent message.
“Yeah,uh… That’s it,” he grumbled. Dylan jerked his chin toward the aluminum covered pan. “Are you going to heat that up? Or just gawk at us?”
“I can multitask,” Dani assured him and turned on the oven.
“Good, because I’m starving,” Ford said.
“A good workout will do that to you.” Dani rolled her lips under as she tented the foil over the pan.
“Wouldn’t a microwave be faster?” Ford asked.
“Sure, if you want rubber chicken.” Dani turned, leaned back against the counter and crossed her arms over her chest. “So…”
Dylan dropped his head and groaned.
“What kind of workout involves two men losing their shirts and one of them landing on Erin? Are you even wearing panties under that T-shirt?”
Of course not. She obviously wasn’t wearing a bra, either. She hadn’t thought about getting caught red-handed while searching for sustenance.
She and Ford shared a glance. Of course, he looked amused and didn’t seem as freaked out over the situation as Erin and Dylan, despite the fact they all knew it wouldn’t remain a secret if they stayed overnight.
Dylan must not have been mentally prepared to explain the situation sooner than expected. Now he had no choice.
“How long will that take to heat up, sis?”
“Longer than it will take you to go put on a shirt,” Dani quipped.
With a single nod to his sister, Dylan announced, “I think I’ll go put on a shirt,” and headed back toward his wing.
“Good idea,” echoed Ford and followed Dylan.
But,lord, did both men’s asses look spectacular in the sweatpants. Though, Dylan’s fit better, of course, and, unfortunately, covered the cut muscles at his hips and half of his own happy trail.
Dani called out, “Ford, if you want to remain shirtless, I won’t care. I’ll only puke if I have to sit across from my half-naked brother while I’m trying to eat.”
Ford hesitated in the doorway like he was considering it, but then he did a vanishing act through the opening when a hand grabbed his arm and jerked.
Apparently,someonedecided that wasn’t an acceptable plan. Only, now Erin was left alone with his sister. “Maybe I should go put on some?—”
“Panties? Probably a good idea because you never know when our brother might come out here with the munchies. Not the brother running late-night, half-naked exercise classes. The other one.”
Erin glanced toward Dayne’s portion of the house before swinging her gaze back to Dani. With a nod and her holding the T-shirt’s hem down as she went, she also went to get dressed.
Dylan heldthe door open for Erin as they headed back into the kitchen. This time dressed. When she slammed on the brakes, Dylan bumped into her. That caused Ford to curse under his breath as he almost collided with Dylan.
He stared at the dining table that was now set and behind one of those place settings sat his twin.
He silently groaned. He knew they wouldn’t be able to keep this a secret from his siblings if Ford and Erin made this a regular thing, but he had not been prepared to explain it right after their first actual threesome and, worse, at two in the morning.
A sigh slipped from between his lips.