Page 99 of Undone

Next time she was packing a cooler full of snacks.

She tugged at the hem of Ford’s T-shirt, the only piece of clothing she was wearing. Erin wondered how much of her pale butt Dani saw while she was bent over and staring inside the fridge. At least her cheeks weren’t bright red from being spanked. Both hard and often.

Dani blinked a few times, then, as if someone pushed herStartbutton, she jerked into action and came closer.

Erin, self-consciously tugging at the T-shirt again, stepped aside to give her room. She also did it so Dylan’s sister wouldn’t get a good whiff. She was sure she smelled like sex, especially after having it with two men. Without condoms, or a shower yet.

She again shot a nervous glance at the closed door to Dylan’s wing.Please, please, please, if one of you come through that door, let it be Dylan.

“I brought home a pan of chicken piccata along with some sides, leftover from tonight’s dinner at the lodge. I got a hankering for it, so I came down to break it out and heat it up.” She raised a single eyebrow. “Want some?”

She could see the burning curiosity in Dani’s eyes and the fact she struggled not to ask why Erin was standing in their family’s kitchen only wearing a T-shirt. One that didn’t even belong to her or her brother.


“Umm…” Truthfully, she wanted to go hide in Dylan’s wing and not break bread with his sister. But if she hightailed it out of there, like a roach when someone flicked on a light switch, it might make it look even more suspicious. She needed to act like this was all normal. Unfortunately, she had no acting skills and would have to wing it. “Sure. If you don’t mind. That sounds good. I’m ravenous.”

“From?” If Dani was attempting to hide her amusement, she wasn’t trying too hard.

“The workout I just had.”Shit. Don’t panic.

Danica’s head tipped to the side. “Did Dylan install a gym in his wing when I wasn’t paying attention?”

“Something like that,” Erin murmured.

Dylan’s sister was sharp. She’d have no problems putting two and two together.

When the door opened behind Erin, her heart skipped a beat, then began to race.

Despite being afraid to look, she couldn’t resist watching Ford blow through it. He went from fifty miles an hour to a dead stop the second he spotted Danica pulling out the pan of leftovers from the fridge.

“Danica,” he greeted carefully.

Dani’s eyes went wide, and her mouth dropped open before she quickly plunked the tray of chicken piccata onto the counter. Probably so she wouldn’t drop it in surprise.

With Ford only wearing a pair of Dylan’s sweatpants—hanging deliciously off his hips—Danica’s eyes instantly zeroed in on his lightly-haired, broad chest. Then they took a slow stroll south to take in the rest. Erin could imagine she was appreciating his sexy Adonis belt and defined six-pack abs. Add in that delicious dark, narrow path of hair leading from his navel to the trimmed patch around his cock.

Gray sweatpants, which tended to draw the female gaze on a normal day, combined with Ford’s obvious lack of containment underneath them, made it impossible to conceal the outline of his nicely sized cock.

Apparently, neither Erin or Danica were immune from staring at it.

When Ford cleared his throat, Erin glanced over at Dylan’s sister and their gazes met. Erin could see Dani fighting the urge to smile. Or drool. Or possibly both.

“What are you doing here, Ford?” Dani sounded over-the-top sweet. “Since you’re dressed like that, I have to assume you were working out as well? Is my bonehead brother teaching fitness classes now?” She raised her hand with the palm out. “Let me guess, you’re about to respond with, ‘Something like that.’ Where do I sign up for that kind of something?”

Ford, also attempting to look as if he belonged in the Lyons’ family kitchen and that his presence was normal, deflected with, “What’s in the pan?”

Erin helped him by unpinning her lips to answer, “Chicken piccata.”

Seconds later, Dylan stepped through the door Ford had left open, took them all in, pulled in a breath and shook his head.

“Brother,” Dani greeted, now wearing an over-exaggerated grin.

Erin was surprised she didn’t wiggle her eyebrows and give him a, “Bow chicka wow wow,”along with it.

Dylan’s tight mouth turned downward. “Sis.”

“She’s about to heat up some leftovers,” Erin announced like this gathering in the kitchen was an everyday occurrence.