Page 68 of Romeo

He sucked on his teeth.

“I do have knowledge in that area. Show me where you’re tense.”

He sat up on his knees and pointed to his hard as fuck dick. “Only one fuckin’ way to fix that.”

“I can think of a few.”

“Only one that matters right now.”

“What are you waiting for, then?”

“You in a rush?”

“I’d like to get out of here at a decent hour,” she answered.

What the hell?“You got jokes.”

“I wasn’t joking. I have to work tomorrow.”

“Bang off.”

Her forehead wrinkled. “Bang off?”

“You know, call in sick.”

Her expression closed up.Fuck.It was time to take this to the next step and stop flapping their fucking gums before shit went south. Because if she left before he got to fuck her, he’d be pissed.

He crawled up her body until he was face to face with her. “You came here to forget about work. I almost fucked that up.”

She cupped his cheek and murmured, “Then do something to fix it.”

“Don’t gotta tell me twice that you want my dick.”

Her expression smoothed out and her lips twitched with amusement. Dipping his head, he took possession of those very lips and slid the back of his fingers down her soft cheek and along her jawline before curling them around the front of her throat.

His thumb traced back and forth along her wildlypounding pulse. Whether that was from what they were doing now, or from her orgasm, he didn’t know.

He adjusted his hips until he was settled between her spread legs, then it hit him he didn’t put on a wrap.

Of course that was a goddamn requirement. He did not fuck any female without one. He didn’t give a shit if they claimed they were “taking care of it.”Fuck that.He had gone thirty-four years without having any crotch goblins and wasn’t planning on having any soon, either.

In fact, wrapping his dick up tight was one of the first things he usually thought about, no matter if it was a sweet butt or some strange. Maddie was neither, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to protect them both.

He was damn sure she wouldn’t want his kid and the fuck if he’d be bent about that fact. He wanted to fuck her, not produce spawn with her.

With a groan, he broke off the kiss.

Her brow furrowed. “Something wrong?”

“Need a wrap.”

“Yes, you do.”

“Fuck,” he grumbled, rolling over her and toward the edge of his king-sized bed. He hoped to fuck he had at least one left. He had used three the last time he had a couple of sweet butts fucking him in his bed and he forgot to check his supply afterward.

That was goddamn stupid. He should have wraps on auto-delivery. Doing that would be fucking cheaper than diapers and child support.

Ice slid down his spine at the thought of being financially responsible for a kid for a minimum of eighteen years.