Page 67 of Romeo

And when she finally tumbled, her orgasm rushed up to catch her and sweep her away.

Chapter Sixteen

Nowthatwas a fucking orgasm.

Romeo grinned against her very warm, very slick pussy.

Mission fucking accomplished. Now that it was, it was time to move on and get his own relief.

When he lifted his head, Madison appeared passed out, with her lax expression and limp body. She must have lost all control of herself.

Fuck yeah.He still had it. Not that it was ever in doubt. But for some reason, he needed to make sure Maddie was well-satisfied.

Did he want to ask himself why? Fuck no.

Did he ever give a fuck about leaving a woman satisfied? Not usually. But, again, for some reason, in his head, Maddie was different from his normal conquests.

She shouldn’t be. She should be like any other hole he wanted to plug.

It bugged the shit out of him that he put her in another category all together.

So what if he took her virginity? He didn’t owe her shit for that.

Sitting up on his knees, he raked his gaze over her. Even lying there lifeless, she was hot as fuck. And more than tempting. “Like that?”

Of fucking course she did. It was obvious.

Her eyes fluttered open and a soft smile curled the corners of her mouth. “It was okay.”

He huffed out, “Yeah, right. Had better then?”

Her brown eyes locked with his. “Do you want me to rate you?”

“By the looks of you, that was a solid ten.”

Her smile grew and she sat up, scraping her fingers through her hair to tame it back into place. “Mmm.”

“You sayin’ it wasn’t?”

“Do you need validation? That makes you sound a bit insecure.”

He shook his head. “Don’t need shit.”

“That means you don’t need an answer.”

For fuck’s sake.Maddie must have turned into a smart ass in the last few years. He normally preferred women more compliant over one that had strong opinions. But then, this wasn’t long-term so he could deal with her mouth for the short period of time she’d be in his bed.

And if he got his ass moving, she’d be out of his bed sooner than later.

That was what he wanted, right?

He frowned.

“What’s the matter? Do you have a cramp or something?” she asked.

“If I did, guessin’ you can relieve it.” Especially with her being a physical therapist. She probably put her hands on all sorts of fucking people.

Including men.