Page 47 of Romeo

“It isn’t?”

“What d’you want from me, Maddie?”

“I just said a conver?—”

He cut her off again. “Ain’t it.”

“Okay, then tell me why I’m calling you.”

“Want me to take your mind off whatever’s makin’ you need to decompress.”

Well, that was true. Maybe she was wrong, and he wasn’t so dense after all.

“Know plenty of ways to do that,” he went on.

That might be true, too. “How?”

“First, I’m gonna spread you wide, bury my face betweenyour sweet fuckin’ thighs, then use my tongue ’til you scream for me to stop. ’Til you buck off the bed. ’Til you come so many times, you can’t even fuckin’ move.”

His crudeness should be a turn off. It was the opposite.

Why did his deep voice combined with dirty words light her on fire?

“Then, I’m gonna?—”

“Romeo,” came out on a ragged breath in an attempt to stop him.

She didn’t need to hear him explain it, she could already picture it in her mind.

Her pussy clenched violently and began to throb. Her fingers and toes curled. Her pulse pounded in her ears.

He needed to stop before she climaxed right there in her driver’s seat in the parking lot of Smith’s.

She never had phone sex before, but she imagined this came damn close.

“Gonna fuck me over again or you gonna lemme fuck you?”

“I didn’t?—”

“Be at Dick’s. Twenty minutes. You don’t show up, delete my fuckin’ number.”

“Are we going to play pool?” Despite trying to be a smart ass, her breathless voice gave her away.

“We’re gonna play somethin’ and it ain’t gonna be pool.”

Chapter Eleven

Romeo snaggedthe Jim Beam off the top shelf behind the bar and cracked it open. He kept his eyes glued to the entrance of Dirty Dick’s as he poured the bourbon into a short glass.

He downed it in one shot, then dragged the back of his hand over his lips.

Maddie had five minutes left to show. If she didn’t, he was heading back to his place, locking the damn door, and forgetting the woman existed.

He refused to get played again.

Unfortunately, forgetting her might be impossible.

He thought he had until the night he spotted her at Bangin’ Burgers. Since then, he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her. Especially now that her hips were a little rounder, her ass extra pound-worthy and those tits a bit heavier.