She’d matured a fuck of a lot more since he last saw her naked.
No lie, the past five years had been good to her. And that wasn’t always the case when it came to women getting older.
Not that Maddie was old.Hell, she hadn’t even hit thirty yet. Unlike him. He passed that point a few years ago.
“What’s goin’ on, prez?”
Romeo took his eyes off the door for the second needed to see BamBam approaching. “Nothin’. Whataya doin’?”
“Just checkin’ to see who’s on the menu tonight.”
“Tink, Coral and Keisha’s ‘round here somewhere if nobody’s snagged ‘em yet.” He hadn’t paid much attention since his mind was on another female.
One not a sweet butt shared with his brothers.
“Was hopin’ for Nia. You see her?”
“I mention her name?”
BamBam chuckled as he poured himself a draft. “Could be keepin’ her for yourself tonight. Woman’s got a fuckin’ mouth on her, but it’s easy enough to keep her quiet when she’s on her fuckin’ knees.”
“Just don’t piss her the fuck off. She’s got some sharp teeth.”
BamBam snorted and slapped Romeo on the back. “Sounds like you know from experience.”
Romeo shook his head. He did, but he wasn’t going to admit it. They both learned a lesson that day. Romeo discovered he shouldn’t piss off Nia when she was in the middle of giving him head and Nia learned to never bite his dick again.
For the most part, the Knights were generous, as well as lenient, with their club girls. They were treated well and had the run of Dick’s, meaning they could eat and drink as much as they wanted whenever they wanted. If they needed a roof over their head or a cage to get around, one was found for them. They were also under the club’s protection. However, Romeo drew the line when it came to almost being neutered.
When he turned to place the bottle back on the shelf, he heard BamBam release a low whistle. “Damn, look what just wandered in lookin’ like she’s lost. Guess it’s up to me to go help her find her way.”
As BamBam turned to head over to the newcomer, Romeo stopped him by grabbing his arm. “You ain’t doin’ shit. She ain’t lost. She also ain’t here for you.”
His fellow Knights’ eyebrows rose. “Know her?”
“She here for you?”
Romeo sucked loudly on his teeth before answering, “Yeah.”
BamBam elbowed him. “Willin’ to share her?”
“Fuck off, brother. Go find Nia.”
Romeo agreed with his brother’s observation, though. Maddie did look slightly lost since she had never stepped into Dick’s before.Hell, he wasn’t even sure if she ever stepped into Knights’ territory before.
With her being Blood Fury property, she would normally need permission to be in another club’s territory. But that rule wasn’t enforced due to the BFMC and the DKMC being allies. All three clubs had the freedom to come and go through each other’s area without making a request first.
While she scanned the bar looking for him, all his brothers were scanning her in return. So were some of the customers.
“Nia can wait. Now I gotta stick around to fuckin’ watch this.”
“Nothin’ to watch.” He needed to go claim Maddie before anyone else approached her trying to do the same.
When Romeo rounded the bar, she spotted him and headed in his direction. He stopped long enough to watch the roll of her hips and the bounce of her tits.
Yeah, she’d definitely filled out in the last five years.