Page 100 of Romeo

She shrugged. “Just okay.”

His expression turned hard, leading her to believe that he didn’t like that response. Most likely because he realized it was her attempt to end that line of conversation.

It was obvious he was only using the Knights alliance with the Fury as an excuse. Because if he was really worried about her situation, as the Knights’ president, he could have easily reached out to Trip, the Blood Fury’s president, and shared his concerns.

Would she have been pissed about him doing so? Of course. Because like him showing up as a fake patient at Smith’s, Romeo was still sticking his nose where it didn’t belong.

Despite his opinion on it.

Despite her telling him multiple times to mind his own business.

When he stood and took a couple of steps away from the bed, she figured he was leaving. At least until he stopped.

Once again, she focused on the back of his cut, a harsh reminder of who and what he was.

That ended up being a fleeting thought when her gaze drifted down to his ass and she had a flashback of her fingers digging deep into his well-developed glutes, experiencing the power behind each forceful pump.

Her pussy pulsed at that particular memory, plus everything else that happened while they were naked.

The truth was, she didn’t want him to leave.

Not yet, anyway.

Was that selfish? Possibly. But she couldn’t imagine that Romeo would say no if she asked him to stay. “Are you leaving?”

He turned, wearing a scowl. “Want me to leave?”

“Isn’t that why you got up?”

“Got up to take off all this shit.”

Well then…

In this case, she didn’t mind being wrong.

However… she wondered how often Romeo got fully naked with his conquests or if she was a special case. She was afraid if she asked, it might bring them back to their previous conversation. Not only was that conversation beating a dead horse, she preferred to get to where they weren’t having any conversation at all.

The whole reason they were in her bedroom.

It was also safer that way since, apparently, they didn’t see eye to eye on certain topics. One being her personal life.

“Do you need help?” she offered. “I’m available and eager to assist.”

“All that chili made me pretty fuckin’ tired, so could use the help.”

She liked the direction of this conversation a whole lot better. He probably did, too. “Do you at least have enough strength to take off your boots?”

“Probably can manage that.”

She definitely preferred this playful teasing over the more serious stuff. Plus, the fact he could lighten up made him even more attractive in her eyes.

After unlacing his boots and yanking them off, his socks quickly followed. She was pleasantly surprised that they didn’t have any holes with his little piggies jutting out.

Of course, that thought led her to wondering if heshopped for his own clothes or if he sent one of the club girls to pick him up packs of socks and boxer briefs. If they did his laundry, Maddie wouldn’t doubt they went that extra mile for the Knights’ prez.

She would never understand a sweet butt’s need to please these bikers, despite being treated like indentured servants. The reality was, they chose to live that lifestyle and none that she knew were being held against their will.

Once he was barefooted, he held his arms up and out to the side in an unspoken message for her to take over.